E. Rakhshani
60 records found
The sudden outage of a transformer due to a fault can cause irreparable damage to the electricity industry. Hence, by conducting momentarily inspections of the transformer's condition, faults can be promptly detected, and the transformer can be disconnected from the power grid to prevent subsequent failures in this equipment. Detecting faults at an early stage can also result in reduced repair costs. One recent promising technique for fault detection is Frequency Response Analysis (FRA), which compares the transformer's response in healthy and faulty conditions for understanding the occurrence of transformer faults. This paper presents a comprehensive and accurate modeling approach for the behavior of the transformer at different frequencies, followed by an exposition of the requirements for implementing this method in order to find the fault type, severity, and location. Additionally, various methods for analyzing the results of frequency response are introduced and discussed. In this regard, attempts have been made to introduce advanced complementary methods to address the weaknesses and limitations of the frequency response method. Finally, the concepts are summarized, and suggestions for further research with applications in this field are presented and compared.
@enThe connection of renewable energy sources (RESs) to the distribution network has been rising at a steady pace over the past decades. The great penetration of RESs such as grid-connected photovoltaic system brings new technical challenges to the distribution networks such as unintentional islanding. Conceptually, this situation occurs when a portion of the network that has been isolated from the main grid remains energised by the embedded RESs. This unexpected scenario should be thereby identified effectively to avoid frequency and voltage deviations and their hazardous effects. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review on the recently developed islanding detection methods for grid-following/grid-connected photovoltaic system, analyse their existing limitations, and suggest possible future research implementations. In this context, an in-depth comparison is provided considering the main features used in islanding detection methods such as non-detection zone, detection time, implementation cost and complexity, and power quality degradation. Finally, the main technical requirements established by the current grid codes are recalled identifying potential multi-functional approaches to expand the current islanding detection capabilities.
@enIn this chapter, a grid forming control approach called direct voltage control (DVC) for wind turbine control with restoration capability of power system with a high share of power electronic-based generation units is presented and discussed. All the detailed explanation, DSL-based control is presented for dynamic simulations in DIgSILENT software.
@enThis paper proposes a novel application for the optimal Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) servo controller to enable a proper coordination of the AC/HVDC interconnected system with Virtual Synchronous Power (VSP) based inertia emulation. Particularly, the proposed control design takes the process disturbances and measurement noise of the studied VSP-HVDC system into account, while few studies have focused on this perspective. The proposed LQG controller with modifications is designed by means of a combination of Kalman Filter (state estimator) and an added Linear Quadratic Integrator (LQI) to observe the system model's states and track the reference commands while rejecting the effects of system noise. Besides, we utilize a swarm-based optimization algorithm to operate as the search process for the tuning of the elements in the weighting matrices involved in the controller design. The role of the proposed optimal LQG controller is to stabilize such AC/DC interconnected system with VSP-based inertia emulator while minimizing the associated performance index. According to the obtained simulation results, in addition to the advancement from the VSP-based approach for damping frequency oscillations excited by faults, application of the proposed LQG servo controller can achieve the targets on both estimating the state variables and tracking the reference signals with satisfactory performance, comparing with the conventional LQG regulator.
@enIn this book chapter, innovative protection schemes have been suggested to prevent bottlenecks of the power system considering the integration of offshore and onshore wind turbines and HVDC link. Four different countermeasures are proposed and investigated. Their effect on the system overloading and stability is also taken into account. The models for the simulation have been implemented in PowerFactory.
@enThis chapter is dedicated to present some control mechanism to cope with the challenges due to the growth of the penetration level of the power electronic interfaced generation (PEIG) in sustainable interconnected energy systems. Specifically, this chapter presents different forms of fast active power injection (FAPI) control schemes for the analysis and development of different mitigation measures to address the frequency stability problem. Among the considered FAPI control schemes are the traditional droop-based scheme, and two propositions implemented in the form of a derivative-based control and a second-order virtual synchronous power (VSP)-based control. All the detailed explanation, DSL-based control is presented for the simulations in DIgSILENT software. Simulation results show that thanks to proposed FAPI controllers, it is possible to increase the maximum share of wind power generation without violating the threshold limits for frequency stability problem in low-inertia systems.
@enCurrently, the economy of Middle Eastern countries relies heavily on fossil fuel sources. The direct and indirect adverse consequences of fossil fuel utilization for power generation enforce the region’s countries to raise the share of renewable energy. In this context, various incentive policies have been developed to encourage the residential and industrial sectors to support a portion of energy needs through renewable energy resources. In this case, a solar water heating system (SWHS) as an application of solar thermal technology provides some of the heat energy requirements for domestic hot water (DHW) and space heating, supported conventionally by electricity or natural gas, or even other fossil fuels. This paper reviews the feasibility of the SWHS in the Middle East region from technical and economical standpoints and investigates some of the progress, challenges, and barriers toward this market. The pay-back times and CO2 emission reduction under different incentive frameworks and configurations of each system have been assessed in this context. Furthermore, the advantages and weaknesses of the SWHS in several countries have been reported. Finally, various guidelines have been proposed to enhance the development of this technology.
@enThis paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of quasi oppositional - based learning method utilization in output tracking control through a swarm-based multivariable Proportional-Integral-Derivative (SMPID) controller, which is tuned by a novel performance index based on the step response characteristics in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system. The role of the proposed quasi oppositional based SMPID controller is to modify the tracking strategy on AC/HVDC interconnected systems while reducing the related cost function. The proposed analysis is established considering the most highly cited, well-known tested and newly expanded swarm-based optimization algorithms (SBOAs), such as Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm (AFSA), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). These methods are used in the tuning process of multivariable PID (MPID) controller for output tracking control of an interconnected AC/DC system with virtual inertia emulation-based HVDC capabilities. The virtual inertia-based HVDC model, which is using a derivative technique, is attached for enhancing the system frequency dynamics with fast power injection during the contingency. The potential possibility for achieving a suitable assessment about the velocity reaction, the flexibility response, and the accuracy of the tracking process is provided by four different scenarios which are operated by step load changes as essential inputs in AC/HVDC interconnected MIMO system. Also the proposed fitness function, as deviation characteristics of the step response in MIMO transfer function in virtual inertia emulation based HVDC model, is compared with integral time absolute error (ITAE), as the standard performance index in the optimization process. The results are compared with the conventional tuned MPID (C - MPID) controller using MATLAB software. The obtained analysis emphasizes how the tuned SMPID can significantly increase the capability of tracking control on the proposed AC/HVDC interconnected model.
@enThis paper presents a new application of advanced SMPI controller for a newly introduced interconnected dynamic system with VSP based HVDC links for frequency control problem. This work presents an outgrowth of analysis about the Swarm – Based Optimization Algorithms (SBOAs) in the tuning process of Multivariable Proportional – Integral (MPI) controller, which is called swarm – based MPI (SMPI). PSO, GOA and GWO algorithms are used for tuning process of the designed SMPI. The VSP based HVDC model is added for mitigation of system frequency dynamics with emulating virtual inertia. The proposed SMPI controller are designed for enhancing the dynamic performance of this system's states during contingencies and they are compared with the conventional designed MPI controller. Deviation characteristics of the step function in MIMO transfer function of the VSP based HVDC model is considered as the common performance index in the proposed algorithms. On the other hand, the role of the proposed SMPI controller is to stabilize such interconnected system while minimizing the associated cost function. Matlab simulations next to the performed Nyquist's stability anslysis demonstrate how the tuned SMPI can remarkably improve the frequency deviations and the damping of the inter-area oscillations excited during a fault. This enhancement is more obvious especially when SMPI controller for a VSP based virtual inertia emulation is tuned using GWO method.
@enIn this book chapter, a benchmark test system has been studied for power system stability considering the high share of power electronic converter-based generation. Furthermore, both conventional PI controllers and grid forming control have been taken in to account in order to study the impact of the high penetration of power electronic converter on the dynamic response of the power system.
@enNowadays, modern power converters installed in renewable power plants can provide flexible electromechanical characteristics that rely on the developed control technologies such as Synchronous Power Controller (SPC). Since high renewable penetrated power grids result in a low-inertia system, this electromechanical characteristic provides support to the dynamic stability of active power and frequency in the power generation area. This goal can be achieved through the proper tuning of virtual electromechanical parameters that are embedded in the control layers of power converters. In this paper, a novel mathematical pattern and strategy have been proposed to adjust dynamic parameters in Renewable Static Synchronous Generators controlled by SPC (RSSGSPC). A detailed dynamic modeling was obtained for a feasible design of virtual damping coefficient and virtual moment of inertia in the electrometrical control layer of RSSG-SPC’s power converters. Mathematical solutions, modal analysis outcomes, time-domain simulation results, and real-time validations of the test in IEEE-14B benchmark confirm that the proposed method is an effective procedure for the dynamic design of RSSG-SPC to provide these dynamic stability supports in grid connection.
@enIn this chapter, an integral approach for Grid-Forming and Black-Start capability of a large-scale interconnected Power System model is developed. This chapter introduces a model for Electro-Magnetic Transients (EMT) simulations, where a three-area power system is presented, containing different devices interfaced to the transmission network via voltage-source converters (VSC); seventeen wind power plants (WPP), seven battery-energy storage systems (BESS), and two HVDC transmission links. Of the total energy produced in this model, 90% is generated by the WPP and the other 10% by conventional generation units (CGU). The control systems that regulate the WPP and the HVDC stations were upgraded with Grid-Forming capability. Therefore, the power system model is suitable for simulations during both steady-state and transient operational scenarios. If the latter case may derive in a Blackout, it allows simulating Black-Start and Restoration strategies. The proposed grid-forming and black-start capabilities were tested with various EMT simulations reproducing severe short-circuit faults, deriving in a full blackout in one of the areas of the power system. The model also was upgraded with five protection relays with a restoration algorithm that determines the best re-energisation path for the fastest possible restoration strategy. The simulation results demonstrate that a power system with high penetration of converter-based generation and transmission is completely capable of managing a grid during all circumstances if its control systems are designed to do so, without encountering the problems arising from current injection control.
@enThe main objective in this chapter is to develop and present a generic model for wind turbine (WT) which can be used for both DFIG- and FSCG-based WT for large-scale multi-machine power system dynamic studies. The presented model is developed for RMS simulation on PowerFactory, and it can be used as a replacement for both DFIG- and FSCG-based WTs without making any changes in the generic model itself. The generic RMS model is appropriate for the stability studies of large grids where the detailed dynamics, i.e., control action in the range of milliseconds, of the power electronic converter-based controllers do not play an important role.
@enUnlike synchronous generators, wind turbines cannot directly respond to large disturbances, which may cause transient instability, due to their power electronic-based interface and maximum power control strategy. To effectively monitor the influence of wind turbines, this paper proposes an approach that combines decision trees (DTs), and a newly developed variant of the Mean-Variance Mapping Optimization (MVMO) algorithm, to simultaneously tackle the problem of selecting the key variables that properly reflect the transient stability performance of a system dominated by wind power, and designing the DTs for reliable online assessment of transient stability. The notion of key variables refers to the set of variables that are closely related to the modified power system transient stability performance as a consequence of the replacement of conventional power plants by wind generators. The selection of key variables is formulated as a non-linear optimization problem with weight factors as decision variables and is tackled by MVMO. A weight factor is assigned to each key variable candidate, and its value is considered to reflect the degree of influence of the key variable candidate on the splitting property and estimation accuracy of the DTs. The samples of the key variable candidates and the initialized weight factors are used to build the first group of DTs. Then, MVMO iteratively evolves the weight factors according to its special mapping function with minimizing DTs' estimation error. According to the final list of optimized weight factors, system operators can select a reduced set of variables with the largest weight factors as key variables, depending on the resulting accuracy of the DTs. Meanwhile, DTs built by using key variables are considered as the optimal performance trees for transient stability estimation. In this way, the selection of key variables and the development of DTs are made jointly and automatically, without the interference of the users of the DTs. Test results on the modified IEEE 9 bus system and a synthetic model of a real power system show that the proposed method can correctly identify the set of key variables related to wind turbine dynamics, as well as its ability to provide a reliable estimation of the transient stability margin.