Z. Ahmad
11 records found
Hydrogen as an energy carrier holds promising potential for future power systems. An excess of electrical power from renewables can be stored as hydrogen, which can be used at a later moment by industries, households or the transportation system. The stability of the power system could also benefit from electrolysers as these have the potential to participate in frequency and voltage support. Although some electrical models of small electrolysers exist, practical models of large electrolysers have not been described in literature yet. In this publication, a generic electrolyser model is developed in RSCAD, to be used in real-time simulations on the real-time digital simulator. This model has been validated against field measurements of a 1 MW pilot electrolyser installed in the northern part of The Netherlands. To study the impact of electrolysers on power system stability, various simulations have been performed. These simulations show that electrolysers have a positive effect on frequency stability, as electrolysers are able to respond faster to frequency deviations than conventional generators.
@enThis paper deals with the implementation of a Fast Active Power Injection (FAPI) controller in a Type-4 Wind Turbine. Two different FAPI controllers, droop-based and a modified derivative-based controller are proposed and investigated under real-time simulation platform. The implementation is done in a Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) by using the functionalities of RSCAD software. The IEEE 9 bus system is taken as a case study to quantitatively check the suitability of the implemented controller. The response of the wind turbine observed in EMT simulations is compared against the response obtained via numerical simulations with a generic wind turbine model built-in DIg SILENT PowerFactory software. The details of the model implemented in RSCAD provides better insight on capturing the impacts of controller parameters. Obtained results clearly demonstrate how the proposed controller can effectively improve the dynamic frequency performance of the power system.