34 records found


Public transport disruptions can result in major impacts for passengers and operator. Our study objective is to predict disruption exposure at different stations, incorporating their location-specific characteristics. Based on a 13-month incident database for the Washington me ...

Artificial intelligence heeft duidelijk z’n intrede gedaan in het ov. Dat bleek tijdens het internationale Conference on Advanced Systems of Public Transport (CASPT) deze zomer down under in Brisbane. Tien onderzoekers van het nieuwe Delftse Smart Public Transport Lab waren prese ...

Robust public transport networks are important, since disruptions decrease the public transport accessibility of areas. Despite this importance, the full passenger impacts of public transport network vulnerability have not yet been considered in science and practice. We have d ...

The passenger impact of a disruption on the train network can propagate over the multi-level public transport (PT) network, via the transfer hub to the urban PT network. Hence, an optimal holding control decision for urban services at the transfer location should account for the ...
In daily practice, public transport authorities and operators are constantly searching for improvements in public transport operations. To this end, it is necessary to identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the current public transport services. In this paper, we propose a me ...
For large urban networks and hubs, optimizing transfer synchronization becomes computationally challenging. The objective of this paper is therefore to develop a generic, data-driven methodology to determine the key line/direction-combinations to synchronize based on passenger fl ...

Driver schedule efficiency vs. public transport robustness

A framework to quantify this trade-off based on passive data

More complex, efficient driver schedules reduce operator costs during undisrupted operations, but increase the disruption impact for passengers and operator once a disruption occurs. We develop an integrated framework to quantify the passenger and operator costs of disruptions ex ...

Workshop 8 report

Big data in the digital age and how it can benefit public transport users

This paper synthesizes evidence from Workshop 8 ‘Big data in the digital age and how it can benefit public transport users’ of the 15th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport. Big data in public transportation has increasingly attract ...

Crowding in public transport can be of major influence on passengers’ travel experience and therefore affect route and mode choice. In this study, crowding valuation for urban tram and bus travelling is determined fully based on revealed preference data. Urban tram and bus cro ...

The availability of smart card data from public transport travelling the last decades allows analyzing current and predicting future public transport usage. Public transport models are commonly applied to predict ridership due to structural network changes, using a calibrated ...

Vervoer op afroep, al dan niet automatisch en elektrisch, heeft zijn intrede gedaan en is niet meer te stoppen. Dat was de boodschap tijdens het TBR-congres in Washington, het jaarlijkse walhalla voor elke ov-onderzoeker.@en
Disruptions in public transport have major impact on passengers and disproportional effects on passenger satisfaction. The availability of smart card data gives opportunities to better quantify disruption impacts on passengers’ experienced journey travel time and comfort. For thi ...

Overstappen en onbetrouwbaarheid in het OV

Een methodiek voor kwantificering van reizigerseffecten in een netwerkcontext in een netwerkcontext

Overstappen heeft een grote invloed op de (on)betrouwbaarheid van het OV, een belangrijk kwaliteitsaspect voor veel reizigers. In eerdere studies wordt de impact van onbetrouwbaarheid van overstappen op de totale reistijd voor meerdere overstaprichtingen niet expliciet meegenomen ...
Crowding in public transport can be of major influence on passengers’ travel experience and therefore affect route and mode choice. Therefore, it is important to understand how crowding in urban public transport is perceived by passengers. The availability of individual smart car ...
This chapter deals with the Dutch smart card system, the so-called OV-Chipkaart and illustrates a potential application of its data. This chapter explores options for using this anonymous smart card data for evaluation, analysis and performing simple what-if analyses by using tra ...
Vervoer op afroep, al dan niet automatisch en elektrisch, heeft zijn intrede gedaan en is niet meer te stoppen. Dat was de boodschap tijdens het TBR-congres in Washington, het jaarlijkse walhalla voor elke ov-onderzoeker.@en

Het verbeteren van de last-mile in een OV reis met automatische voertuigen

Een Delftse case studie en stated preference onderzoek gecombineerd

De last-mile in een openbaar vervoer (OV)reis is een van de meest hinderlijke gedeelten van een reis perOV,hierdoor is het OV veelal niet in staat om te kunnen concurreren met de auto. De oorzaak kan deels worden gevonden in het gebrek aan flexibiliteit en de lage snelheden die d ...
In the recent years many developments took place regarding automated vehicles (AVs) technology. It is however unknown to which extent the share of the existing transport modes will change as result of AVs introduction as another public transport option. This study is the first wh ...
Network risk assessment takes into consideration the probability that adverse events occur and the impacts of such disruptions on network functionality. In the context of transport networks, most studies have focused on vulnerability, the reduction in performance indicators given ...