Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis

12 records found


Public transport agencies need to leverage on emerging technologies to remain competitive in a mobility landscape that is increasingly subject to disruptive mobility services ranging from ride-hailing to shared micro-mobility. Customized bus (CB) is an innovative transit system t ...

The trips of a high-frequency urban rail line are typically planned with the aim of achieving even time headways. This results in reliable services for each urban rail line, where successive trips have the same time headway. Maintaining even time headways for each service line ...

A transit network design frequency setting model is proposed to cope with the postpandemic passenger demand. The multiobjective transit network design and frequency setting problem (TNDFSP) seeks to find optimal routes and their associated frequencies to operate public transpo ...

Transfer optimization in public transport (PT) networks can be achieved through coordinated timetabling and vehicle scheduling. Traditionally, the coordinated timetabling problem is solved first before proceeding to the vehicle scheduling problem. The integration of these two ...

We perform a systematic review of real-time control strategies for transfer synchronisations in public transport. In particular, we review inter-station and intra-station control measures that can be applied in near real-time, including vehicle holding, stop-skipping, speed co ...

At-stop control measures in public transport

Literature review and research agenda

In this literature review, we systematically review studies on public transit control with a specific focus on at-stop measures. In our synthesis of the relevant literature, we consider three perspectives: (1) the mathematical models of the proposed methodologies; (2) their co ...

Public transport is one of the most disrupted sectors of the COVID-19 pandemic with reported ridership drops up to 90% in majorly affected countries. As many government authorities strive to partially resume activities, public transport operators are in an urgent need for mode ...

While transferring between public transport services has a negative impact on the level-of-service, it is an inevitable feature of public transport networks. Transfer coordination can help reduce passenger transfer waiting times and improve service connectivity. In this paper, we ...

This study proposes an exact model for timetable recovery after disturbances in the context of high-frequency public transport services. The objective of our model is the minimization of the deviation between the actual headway and the respective planned value. The resulting m ...

Public transport planning adaption under the COVID-19 pandemic crisis

Literature review of research needs and directions

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has greatly impacted public transport ridership and service provision across the world. As many countries start to navigate their return to normality, new public transport planning requirements are devised. These measures imply a major reduction in ...

Travel time and demand disturbances lead to unreliable bus operations and missed passenger transfers. This study formulates the multi-line synchronization problem as a robust min(i)max problem that considers the fluctuations of the travel and dwell times of bus trips. Given th ...

This work proposes a periodic bus holding control method where the bus holding times of all running trips are computed simultaneously within each optimization time period; thus, increasing the coordination among running buses for avoiding bus bunching. This paper considers the ad ...