L. Mariot

17 records found


One of the Round 3 Finalists in the NIST post-quantum cryptography call is the Classic McEliece cryptosystem. Although it is one of the most secure cryptosystems, the large size of its public key remains a practical limitation. In this work, we propose a McEliece-type cryptosyste ...


Deep Learning-based Physical Side-channel Analysis

Side-channel attacks represent a realistic and serious threat to the security of embedded devices for already almost three decades. A variety of attacks and targets they can be applied to have been introduced, and while the area of side-channel attacks and their mitigation is ...

Evolutionary algorithms have been successfully applied to attack Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). CMA-ES is recognized as the most powerful option for a type of attack called the reliability attack. In this paper, we take a step back and systematically evaluate several ...


Neuroevolution to Attack Side-Channel Leakages Yielding Convolutional Neural Networks

Side-channel analysis (SCA) is a class of attacks on the physical implementation of a cipher, which enables the extraction of confidential key information by exploiting unintended leaks generated by a device. In recent years, researchers have observed that neural networks (NNs ...

Salp Swarm Optimization

A critical review

In the crowded environment of bio-inspired population-based metaheuristics, the Salp Swarm Optimization (SSO) algorithm recently appeared and immediately gained a lot of momentum. Inspired by the peculiar spatial arrangement of salp colonies, which are displaced in long chains ...

This chapter provides a general overview of AI methods used to support the design of cryptographic primitives and protocols. After giving a brief introduction to the basic concepts underlying the field of cryptography, we review the most researched use cases concerning the use ...

Semi-bent Boolean functions are interesting from a cryptographic standpoint, since they possess several desirable properties such as having a low and flat Walsh spectrum, which is useful to resist linear cryptanalysis. In this paper, we consider the search of semi-bent functio ...

Tip the Balance

Improving Exploration of Balanced Crossover Operators by Adaptive Bias

The use of balanced crossover operators in Genetic Algorithms (GA) ensures that the binary strings generated as offsprings have the same Hamming weight of the parents, a constraint which is sought in certain discrete optimization problems. Although this method reduces the size of ...

This paper investigates the influence of genotype size on evolutionary algorithms' performance. We consider genotype compression (where genotype is smaller than phenotype) and expansion (genotype is larger than phenotype) and define different strategies to reconstruct the orig ...

Reversible Cellular Automata (RCA) are a particular kind of shift-invariant transformations characterized by dynamics composed only of disjoint cycles. They have many applications in the simulation of physical systems, cryptography, and reversible computing. In this work, we f ...


Convolutional inpainting with genetic programming

We investigate the use of Genetic Programming (GP) as a convolutional predictor for missing pixels in images. The training phase is performed by sweeping a sliding window over an image, where the pixels on the border represent the inputs of a GP tree. The output of the tree is ...

Hip to Be (Latin) Square

Maximal Period Sequences from Orthogonal Cellular Automata

Orthogonal Cellular Automata (OCA) have been recently investigated in the literature as a new approach to construct orthogonal Latin squares for cryptographic applications such as secret sharing schemes. In this paper, we consider OCA for a different cryptographic task, namely th ...

Latin squares and hypercubes are combinatorial designs with several applications in statistics, cryptography and coding theory. In this paper, we generalize a construction of Latin squares based on bipermutive cellular automata (CA) to the case of Latin hypercubes of dimension ...

Tasks related to Natural Language Processing (NLP) have recently been the focus of a large research endeavor by the machine learning community. The increased interest in this area is mainly due to the success of deep learning methods. Genetic Programming (GP), however, was not ...

We continue the study of asynchrony immunity in cellular automata (CA), which can be considered as a generalization of correlation immunity in the case of vectorial Boolean functions. The property could have applications as a countermeasure for side-channel attacks in CA-based ...

We consider the problem of evolving a particular kind of shift-invariant transformation – namely, Reversible Cellular Automata (RCA) defined by conserved landscape rules – using GA and GP. To this end, we employ three different optimization strategies: a single-objective appro ...


Code-Based Cryptography is a branch of the Post-Quantum Cryptography research area. As such, its focus is on developing algorithms that can be used in the current communication systems to secure them against an adversary powered in the (near) future by a quantum computer. A cod ...