Alberto Leporati

9 records found


Semi-bent Boolean functions are interesting from a cryptographic standpoint, since they possess several desirable properties such as having a low and flat Walsh spectrum, which is useful to resist linear cryptanalysis. In this paper, we consider the search of semi-bent functio ...

Reversible Cellular Automata (RCA) are a particular kind of shift-invariant transformations characterized by dynamics composed only of disjoint cycles. They have many applications in the simulation of physical systems, cryptography, and reversible computing. In this work, we f ...

We consider the problem of evolving a particular kind of shift-invariant transformation – namely, Reversible Cellular Automata (RCA) defined by conserved landscape rules – using GA and GP. To this end, we employ three different optimization strategies: a single-objective appro ...

Bent Boolean functions play an important role in the design of secure symmetric ciphers, since they achieve the maximum distance from affine functions allowed by Parseval’s relation. Hyper-bent functions, in turn, are those bent functions which additionally reach maximum dista ...

Cellular Automata (CA) represent an interesting approach to design Substitution
Boxes (S-boxes) having good cryptographic properties and low implementation costs. From the cryptographic perspective, up to now there have been only ad-hoc studies about specific kinds of CA, the ...
Disjunct Matrices (DM) are a particular kind of binary matrices which have been especially applied to solve the Non-Adaptive Group Testing (NAGT) problem, where the task is to detect any configuration of t defectives out of a population of N items. Traditionally, the methods used ...

Orthogonal Arrays (OA) represent an interesting breed of combinatorial designs that finds applications in several domains such as statistics, coding theory, and cryptography. In this work, we address the problem of constructing binary OA through evolutionary algorithms, an app ...

Boolean functions have a prominent role in many real-world applications, which makes them a very active research domain. Throughout the years, various heuristic techniques proved to be an attractive choice for the construction of Boolean functions with different properties. On ...

We investigate the design of Orthogonal Latin Squares (OLS) by means of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Genetic Programming (GP). Since we focus on Latin squares generated by Cellular Automata (CA), the problem can be reduced to the search of pairs of Boolean functions that give r ...