Domagoj Jakobovic

25 records found


We consider the problem of evolving a particular kind of shift-invariant transformation – namely, Reversible Cellular Automata (RCA) defined by conserved landscape rules – using GA and GP. To this end, we employ three different optimization strategies: a single-objective appro ...

What Is Your MOVE

Modeling Adversarial Network Environments

Finding optimal adversarial dynamics between defenders and attackers in large network systems is a complex problem one can approach from several perspectives. The results obtained are often not satisfactory since they either concentrate on only one party or run very simplified ...

Genetic programming is an often-used technique for symbolic regression: finding symbolic expressions that match data from an unknown function. To make the symbolic regression more efficient, one can also use dimensionally-aware genetic programming that constrains the physical ...

Tasks related to Natural Language Processing (NLP) have recently been the focus of a large research endeavor by the machine learning community. The increased interest in this area is mainly due to the success of deep learning methods. Genetic Programming (GP), however, was not ...

One property to rule them all?

On the limits of trade-offs for S-boxes

Substitution boxes (S-boxes) are nonlinear mappings that represent one of the core parts of many cryptographic algorithms (ciphers). If S-box does not possess good properties, a cipher would be susceptible to attacks. To design suitable S-boxes, we can use heuristics as it all ...

A search for additional structure

The case of cryptographic s-boxes

We investigate whether it is possible to evolve cryptographically strong S-boxes that have additional constraints on their structure. We investigate two scenarios: where S-boxes additionally have a specific sum of values in rows, columns, or diagonals and the scenario where we ...

In this paper, we try to combine the best from the world of heuristics and algebraic constructions for the design of S-boxes: we evolve algebraic constructions that produce S-boxes with as low as possible differential uniformity. Our approach is novel yet very simple and is al ...


Cipher Construction with Cartesian genetic PrOgramming

In this paper, we ask a question whether evolutionary algorithms can evolve cryptographic algorithms when no precise design criteria are given. Our strategy utilizes Cartesian Genetic Programming in the bi-level optimization setting with multiple populations trying to evolve a cr ...
Cellular Automata (CA) represent an interesting approach to design Substitution
Boxes (S-boxes) having good cryptographic properties and low implementation costs. From the cryptographic perspective, up to now there have been only ad-hoc studies about specific kinds of CA, the ...

In this paper, we use evolutionary algorithm to evolve customized quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols designed to counter attacks against the system in order to optimize the speed of the secure communication. This is in contrast to most work in QKD protocols, where a fixe ...

Bent Boolean functions play an important role in the design of secure symmetric ciphers, since they achieve the maximum distance from affine functions allowed by Parseval’s relation. Hyper-bent functions, in turn, are those bent functions which additionally reach maximum dista ...

Substitution Boxes (S-boxes) are nonlinear objects often used in the design of cryptographic algorithms. The design of high quality S-boxes is an interesting problem that attracts a lot of attention. Many attempts have been made in recent years to use heuristics to design S-bo ...

Finding the shortest addition chain for a given exponent is a significant problem in cryptography. In this work, we present a genetic algorithm with a novel encoding of solutions and new crossover and mutation operators to minimize the length of the addition chains correspondi ...

Boolean functions have a prominent role in many real-world applications, which makes them a very active research domain. Throughout the years, various heuristic techniques proved to be an attractive choice for the construction of Boolean functions with different properties. On ...

Orthogonal Arrays (OA) represent an interesting breed of combinatorial designs that finds applications in several domains such as statistics, coding theory, and cryptography. In this work, we address the problem of constructing binary OA through evolutionary algorithms, an app ...

Classification of cancer data

Analyzing gene expression data using a fuzzy decision tree algorithm

Decision tree algorithms are very popular in the area of data mining since the algorithms have a simple inference mechanism and provide a comprehensible way to represent the model. Over the past years, fuzzy decision tree algorithms have been proposed in order to handle the un ...

Finding cryptographic primitives satisfying certain properties is a difficult problem. In this domain, besides the algebraic constructions, researchers often use heuristics. There exists a set of interesting problems related to the notion of differential uniformity for a funct ...

Disjunct Matrices (DM) are a particular kind of binary matrices which have been especially applied to solve the Non-Adaptive Group Testing (NAGT) problem, where the task is to detect any configuration of t defectives out of a population of N items. Traditionally, the methods used ...

We investigate the design of Orthogonal Latin Squares (OLS) by means of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Genetic Programming (GP). Since we focus on Latin squares generated by Cellular Automata (CA), the problem can be reduced to the search of pairs of Boolean functions that give r ...