Claude Carlet

5 records found


We derive necessary conditions related to the notions, in additive combinatorics, of Sidon sets and sum-free sets, on those exponents d ∈ Z/(2n − 1)Z, which are such that F (x) = xd is an APN function over F2n (which is an important cryptograph ...

In the last few decades, evolutionary algorithms were successfully applied numerous times for creating Boolean functions with good cryptographic properties. Still, the applicability of such approaches was always limited as the cryptographic community knows how to construct sui ...

A search for additional structure

The case of cryptographic s-boxes

We investigate whether it is possible to evolve cryptographically strong S-boxes that have additional constraints on their structure. We investigate two scenarios: where S-boxes additionally have a specific sum of values in rows, columns, or diagonals and the scenario where we ...

Finding cryptographic primitives satisfying certain properties is a difficult problem. In this domain, besides the algebraic constructions, researchers often use heuristics. There exists a set of interesting problems related to the notion of differential uniformity for a funct ...

Trade-Offs for S-boxes

Cryptographic Properties and Side-Channel Resilience

When discussing how to improve side-channel resilience of a cipher, an obvious direction is to use various masking or hiding countermeasures. However, such schemes come with a cost, e.g. an increase in the area and/or reduction of the speed. When considering lightweight crypto ...