Marko Djurasevic
3 records found
This paper investigates the influence of genotype size on evolutionary algorithms' performance. We consider genotype compression (where genotype is smaller than phenotype) and expansion (genotype is larger than phenotype) and define different strategies to reconstruct the origina
A search for additional structure
The case of cryptographic s-boxes
We investigate whether it is possible to evolve cryptographically strong S-boxes that have additional constraints on their structure. We investigate two scenarios: where S-boxes additionally have a specific sum of values in rows, columns, or diagonals and the scenario where we ch
One property to rule them all?
On the limits of trade-offs for S-boxes
Substitution boxes (S-boxes) are nonlinear mappings that represent one of the core parts of many cryptographic algorithms (ciphers). If S-box does not possess good properties, a cipher would be susceptible to attacks. To design suitable S-boxes, we can use heuristics as it allows