Lejla Batina

12 records found

Regularizers to the rescue

Fighting overfitting in deep learning-based side-channel analysis

Despite considerable achievements of deep learning-based side-channel analysis, overfitting represents a significant obstacle in finding optimized neural network models. This issue is not unique to the side-channel domain. Regularization techniques are popular solutions to overfi ...
The efficiency of the profiling side-channel analysis can be significantly improved with machine learning techniques. Although powerful, a fundamental machine learning limitation of being data-hungry received little attention in the side-channel community. In practice, the maximu ...


Deep Learning-based Physical Side-channel Analysis

Side-channel attacks represent a realistic and serious threat to the security of embedded devices for already almost three decades. A variety of attacks and targets they can be applied to have been introduced, and while the area of side-channel attacks and their mitigation is ver ...

Deep Neural Networks Aiding Cryptanalysis

A Case Study of the Speck Distinguisher

At CRYPTO’19, A. Gohr proposed neural distinguishers for the lightweight block cipher Speck32/64, achieving better results than the state-of-the-art at that point. However, the motivation for using that particular architecture was not very clear; therefore, in this paper, we stud ...

Fake It Till You Make It

Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Networks for All the Crypto You Need on Small Devices

Deep learning-based side-channel analysis performance heavily depends on the dataset size and the number of instances in each target class. Both small and imbalanced datasets might lead to unsuccessful side-channel attacks. The attack performance can be improved by generating tra ...

SCA Strikes Back

Reverse Engineering Neural Network Architectures using Side Channels

This paper was selected for Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security 2020 and it presents a physical side-channel attack aiming at reverse engineering neural networks implemented on an edge device. The attack does not need access to training data and allows for neural network ...

Keep it Unsupervised

Horizontal Attacks Meet Deep Learning

To mitigate side-channel attacks, real-world implementations of public-key cryptosystems adopt state-of-the-art countermeasures based on randomization of the private or ephemeral keys. Usually, for each private key operation, a “scalar blinding” is performed using 32 or 64 random ...
Profiling attacks, especially those based on machine learning, proved to be very successful techniques in recent years when considering the side-channel analysis of symmetric-key crypto implementations. At the same time, the results for implementations of asymmetric-key cryptosys ...

One trace is all it takes

Machine learning-based side-channel attack on EDDSA

Profiling attacks, especially those based on machine learning proved as very successful techniques in recent years when considering side-channel analysis of block ciphers implementations. At the same time, the results for implementations of public-key cryptosystems are very spars ...
Profiled side-channel attacks consist of several steps one needs to take. An important, but sometimes ignored, step is a selection of the points of interest (features) within side-channel measurement traces. A large majority of the related works start the analyses with an assumpt ...


Reverse engineering of neural network architectures through electromagnetic side channel

Machine learning has become mainstream across industries. Numerous examples prove the validity of it for security applications. In this work, we investigate how to reverse engineer a neural network by using side-channel information such as timing and electromagnetic (EM) emanatio ...