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R van Geemert
Academic Work (26)
Abstract (2)
Conference paper (11)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (9)
Report (3)
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26 records found
MOVPE waveguide regrowth in InGaAsP/Inp with extremely low butt-joint loss
Conference paper (2001) -
JJM Binsma (author)
R van Geemert (author)
F Heinrichsdorff (author)
T van Dongen (author)
RG Broeke (author)
EAJM Bente (author)
MK Smit (author)
A dual-phasar multi-wavelength ringlaser
Conference paper (2001) -
JH den Besten (author)
RG Broeke (author)
R van Geemert (author)
JJM Binsma (author)
F de Vries (author)
XJM Leijtens (author)
C Smit (author)
GOCE Gravity Field Recovery Using Massive Parallel Computing
Journal article (2001) -
R Klees (author)
RJJ Koop (author)
R van Geemert (author)
P. N.A.M. Visser (author)
Monolithical integration of semiconductor optical amplifiers and passive mode-filters for low facet reflectivity
Conference paper (2001) -
RG Broeke (author)
JJM Binsma (author)
R van Geemert (author)
T de Vries (author)
YS Oei (author)
XJM Leijtens (author)
MK Smit (author)
A compact 4-channel multi-wavelength ringlaser
Conference paper (2001) -
JH den Besten (author)
RG Broeke (author)
R van Geemert (author)
JJM Binsma (author)
F de Vries (author)
XJM Leijtens (author)
C Smit (author)
On the application of an adjoint reshuffling-invariant nuclide density field for accelerating equilibrium cycle iterations
Conference paper (2001) -
R van Geemert (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
Reloading nuclear reactor fuel using mixed-integer nonlinear optimization
Journal article (2001) -
AJ Quist (author)
C Roos (author)
T Terlaky (author)
R van Geemert (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
Development of parallellized higher-order generalized depletion perturbation theory for application in equilibrium cycle optimization
Journal article (2001) -
R van Geemert (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
A MOVPE grown phasar-based multi-wavelength laser with suppression of unwanted orders
Conference paper (2001) -
RG Broeke (author)
JJM Binsma (author)
R van Geemert (author)
XJM Leijtens (author)
T de Vries (author)
MK Smit (author)
Nuclear reactor reload pattern optimization by application of heuristic search and perturbation theoretical methods
Doctoral thesis (1999) -
R van Geemert (author)
New ways for optimizing equilibrium cycle reactor reload patterns (invited paper)
Conference paper (1999) -
JE Hoogenboom (author)
R van Geemert (author)
AJ Quist (author)
T Terlaky (author)
C Roos (author)
Finding optimal nuclear reactor core reload patterns using nonlinear optimization and search heuristics
Journal article (1999) -
AJ Quist (author)
R van Geemert (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
T Illes (author)
E. de Klerk (author)
C Roos (author)
T Terlaky (author)
New ways for optimizing equilibrium cycle reactor reload patterns
Conference paper (1999) -
JE Hoogenboom (author)
R van Geemert (author)
AJ Quist (author)
T Terlaky (author)
C Roos (author)
Jaarverslag 1998 van het promotie-onderzoek in het kader van PINK
Report (1999) -
H. van Dam (author)
DDB van Bragt (author)
R van Geemert (author)
Finding optimal nuclear reactor core reloading patterns using nonlinear optimization and search heuristics
Journal article (1999) -
AJ Quist (author)
R van Geemert (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
T Illes (author)
Etienne de de Klerk (author)
A Roos (author)
T Terlaky (author)
Application of nonlinear optimization to reactor core fuel loading
Journal article (1999) -
AJ Quist (author)
R van Geemert (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
T Illes (author)
C Roos (author)
T Terlaky (author)
In-core fuel management optimization by incorporation of a generalized perturbation theoretical approach in a heuristic search procedure
Conference paper (1998) -
R van Geemert (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
AJ Quist (author)
Application of nonlinear optimization to reactor core fuel reloading
Journal article (1998) -
AJ Quist (author)
R van Geemert (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
T Illes (author)
C Roos (author)
T Terlaky (author)
Magnetic behaviour of the quasi-ground-state doublet in TmCuAl
Journal article (1998) -
P. C M Gubbens (author)
R van Geemert (author)
KHJ Buschow (author)
A nonlinear assignment problem in nuclear reactor fuel management.
Abstract (1998) -
AJ Quist (author)
R van Geemert (author)
J.E. Hoogenboom (author)
T Illes (author)
E. De Klerk (author)
T Terlaky (author)