F de Vries
41 records found
This contribution is focused on the application of laboratory dielectric losses measurements to the insulation of service aged oil-impregnated HV power cables. The goal is to investigate the dependence between the electrical and temperature stresses to impregnated paper insulatio
For advanced, non-destructive on-site condition monitoring of HV power cables up to 150kV by partial discharge detection and dielectric losses measurement it is necessary to energize the disconnected cable system. One of the methods available for this purpose is based on applying
Already existing knowledge about aging phenomenon in type insulated power cables as well as measuring criteria has been continuously improved during last 20-30 years. Nowadays many HV power circuit with paper insulation reach their end of service life time due to extensive deteri
Knowledge rules for paper/oil insulated high voltage (HV) power cables are necessary to support asset management decision processes. For development of these knowledge rules investigation has been done into a diagnostic method, for integral condition assessment of paper/oil insul
For advanced, non-destructive on-site condition monitoring of HV power cables up to 150 kV by partial discharge detection and dielectric losses measurement it is necessary to energize the disconnected cable system. One of the methods available for this purpose is based on applyin