PP Seitz

53 records found

This paper discusses the recently developed analysis method for service aged power transformers equipped with an OLTC: dynamic resistance measurements (DRM). Because the on-load tap changer contributes to many power transformer failures the emphasis is on OLTC diagnosis. Off-line ...
Resistance measurements on power transformers are offline diagnostic methods that are performed without opening the transformer main tank. In case the power transformer is equipped with an on-load tap changer (OLTC), this resistance measurement can be used to find degradation and ...
Performing on-site non-destructive testing and diagnosis of HV power cables is becoming an important issue to determine the actual condition of the cable systems and to determine the future performances. Therefore in this contribution based on field application of on-site testing ...
This paper describes important aspects of PD diagnostics of distribution power cables. PD parameter were discussed under consideration of attenuation and dispersive effects of cable characteristics. Field experiences with PD diagnosis on PILC and XLPE cables by energizing with Da ...
This paper discusses the recently developed analysis method for service aged power transformers. This is a complete approach to assess the condition of a power transformer, both the on-load tap changer as well as the transformer windings. This paper also presents several case stu ...
It is known that most failure of power transformers are related to aging effects of the on-load tap changer contacts. To understand the aging mechanisms and to develop knowledge rules to interpret different failure mechanisms a test model has been developed. In particular, the ef ...