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M. van der Bijl-Brouwer

34 records found

Designers are increasingly involved in creative multi-stakeholder collaborations for social innovation, developing interventions to address complex societal challenges. Traditional impact measurement of social innovation often focuses on the measurable impact or value of the inte ...
One of the emergent approaches towards designing (for) transitions and transformations is the application of systemic design: the integration of systems theories and practice with design theories and practices. Within this field we identified two dominant perspectives and associa ...
Design practices are being increasingly adopted by governments worldwide. Yet, barriers to design practices have been noted. Among the various barriers identified, a recurring theme is the gap between design practices and the established work practices of governments, suggesting ...
Systemic design aims for desirable change in complex, multi-stakeholder social systems in approaching complex societal challenges. For such social innovation to be effectively implemented, multiple stakeholders in organisations are often required to change their (course of) actio ...
Systemic design aims for desirable change in complex, multi-stakeholder social
systems in approaching complex societal challenges. For such social innovation
to be effectively implemented, multiple stakeholders in organisations are often
required to change their (cour ...
In this paper, we explore how resilience and wellbeing can integrate into, and improve design pedagogy. We establish 10 principles for designer resilience from workshops with students, educators and design practitioners. Each principle offers a platform to develop subsequent lear ...
Public organizations are increasingly turning to design thinking to address wicked societal issues, enhance innovation, and improve services. However, in general, public organizations do not provide the most receptive context for design thinking. To be applied effectively, design ...
Service design is increasingly seen as a means to enable systemic change in complex contexts. The contexts in which services are co-produced—the social group, network, service organisation, or ecosystem—can be considered complex social systems. A characteristic of complex social ...

IDOLS* Langetermijneffecten

Sociale innovatie met de culturele en creatieve sector : Een onderzoek naar de langetermijneffecten van het IDOLS*-programma

Binnen het IDOLS*-programma werd op een vernieuwende en creatieve manier gewerkt aan maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Dit gebeurde in consortia van probleemhouders uit verschillende sectoren en opdrachtnemers uit de culturele en creatieve sector. Het belangrijkste doel van het prog ...
Knowledge on how design practices evolve and become part of the daily practices of public organisations is still lacking. Prior to embarking on this research, we asked ourselves how this phenomenon should be studied in the context of public organisations. In the complex system of ...
While the Pandemic has increased awareness towards student wellbeing in higher education (HE), it also exacerbated existing challenges. Specifically, students pursuing their master graduation thesis often find themselves isolated and overwhelmed due to the individualistic nature ...
Transdisciplinary research is claimed to be essential in tackling today’s complex societal challenges. Transdisciplinarity includes collaboration and integration across academic disciplines, non-academic ways of knowing, and the ‘real world’ of citizens, professionals and other s ...
In recent years, governments have increasingly pursued innovation by embed-ding design into their organizations. One particularly common approach to em-bedding design in government organization is to establish public sector innova-tion labs. These labs are described as contributo ...
Positive student wellbeing is intrinsically connected to positive learning outcomes. Students learn more when they feel well, and the way we shape education influences the way students feel. The COVID-19 crisis has forced us to radically change our design education and is having ...
The benefits of student–staff partnerships are widely reported in the Students-as-Partners literature. It is envisaged that partnership initiatives can have a transformative effect on institutional cultures, however, how this transformation might be achieved is less clear. Buildi ...
This article presents empirical findings and recommendations from a survey of 100 industrial design engineering students from the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. The article adopts a self-deterministic motivation lens t ...

Beyond Good Intentions

Towards a Power Literacy Framework for Service Designers

Moving into the social and public sector, service design is becoming both more complex and more participatory. This is reflected in the greater diversity and interrelatedness of stakeholders and the wicked problems being addressed. However, although many service designers working ...
Complex societal challenges cannot be resolved with quick fixes, nor can they be successfully addressed from disciplinary or institutional silos. In this article we propose an innovative approach to tackling contemporary societal challenges based on complexity theory and transdis ...

Systemic Design Principles in Social Innovation

A Study of Expert Practices and Design Rationales

In recent decades, design has expanded from a practice aimed at designing things to one that helps to address complex societal challenges. In this context, a field of practice called systemic design has emerged, which combines elements of systems thinking with elements of design. ...