B. Blankert

16 records found

Membrane modules for seawater desalination are becoming increasingly important for obtaining clean water with the rising global water scarcity. The productivity of membrane modules is compromised by biofouling on the membrane and feed spacer. Biofouling development can be mitigat ...
In this study non-invasive low field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology was used to monitor fouling induced changes in fiber-by-fiber hydrodynamics inside a multi-fiber hollow fiber membrane module containing 401 fibers. Using structural and velocity images the fouling e ...
In this study, a biofouling index based on the relative pressure drop is presented to quantitatively evaluate the amount of fouling in spacer-filled membrane filtration channels. The biofouling index was defined as the inverse of the time to reach a relative pressure drop of 100% ...
Early fouling warning is important for the economical operation of membrane separation systems. In parallel multi-channel flow systems, flow re-distribution between channels due to fouling is often associated with maloperation. In the current research we use low magnetic field NM ...
The objectives of this study are to assess the performance of antiscalants in increasing the recovery (≥85%) of a reverse osmosis (RO) plant treating anaerobic groundwater (GW) in Kamerik (the Netherlands), and to identify scalants/foulant that may limit RO recovery. Five differe ...
The potential of membrane scaling control by a real-time optimization algorithm was investigated. The effect of antiscalant dosing was evaluated from the induction time measured in glass batch-reactors, and from the operational performance of a lab-scale reverse osmosis (RO) unit ...

Potential pitfalls in membrane fouling evaluation

Merits of data representation as resistance instead of flux decline in membrane filtration

The manner in which membrane-fouling experiments are conducted and how fouling performance data are represented have a strong impact on both how the data are interpreted and on the conclusions that may be drawn. We provide a couple of examples to prove that it is possible to obta ...
The role of phosphate and humic substances (HS) in preventing calcium carbonate scaling and their impact on antiscalant dose was investigated for a reverse osmosis (RO) system treating anaerobic groundwater (GW) (containing 2.1 mg/L orthophosphate and 6-8 mg/L HS). Experiments we ...
In this study, we analyzed the heat requirement of membrane distillation (MD) to investigate the trade-off between the evaporation efficiency and driving force efficiency in a single effect MD system. We found that there exists a non-zero net driving temperature difference that m ...

Cartridge filter selection and replacement

Optimization of produced water quantity, quality, and cost

In this study at a full-scale desalination installation seven types of commercially available cartridge filter (CF) elements were evaluated in terms of: (i) water production volume (m3), (ii) produced water quality, and (iii) operational cost (€cent/m3). The ...
High pressure membranes are increasingly used for the treatment of contaminated water for various purposes including irrigation and drinking water. The lack of a fast and easy to implement membrane integrity test method with a log removal value (LRV) >3 hampers the implementat ...
Ensuring the biological stability of drinking water is essential for modern drinking water supply. To understand and manage the biological stability, it is critical that the bacterial growth in drinking water can be measured. Nowadays, advance treatment technologies, such as reve ...


A unique RO-design for brackish groundwater treatment

Depletion of fresh groundwater sources as the result of overdraft, salinization and pollution becomes a major problem in parts of the world. Desalination of brackish groundwater by membrane technology, e.g. reverse osmosis (RO), seems to be a promising solution to water scarcity ...