Antoine J.B. Kemperman
6 records found
The objectives of this study are to assess the performance of antiscalants in increasing the recovery (≥85%) of a reverse osmosis (RO) plant treating anaerobic groundwater (GW) in Kamerik (the Netherlands), and to identify scalants/foulant that may limit RO recovery. Five differe
The potential of membrane scaling control by a real-time optimization algorithm was investigated. The effect of antiscalant dosing was evaluated from the induction time measured in glass batch-reactors, and from the operational performance of a lab-scale reverse osmosis (RO) unit
The bacterial growth potential (BGP) of drinking water is widely assessed either by flow cytometric intact cell count (BGPICC) or adenosine triphosphate (BGPATP) based methods. Combining BGPICC and BGPATP measurements has been previousl
Antiscalants are well known to prevent the precipitation of carbonate and sulphate scales of calcium in reverse osmosis (RO) applications, but according to literature their inhibitory ability against calcium phosphate is not clear. The objective of this study was to investigate i
Bacterial alginate-like exopolymers (ALE) gels have been used in this work as a model for the extracellular polymeric matrix of biofilms. Aim was to relate the mechanical properties and strength of this matrix that make biofilms as persistent to cleaning as they are, to the compl
The properties of biofilm EPS are determined by the multiple interactions between its constituents and the surrounding environment. Because of the high complexity of biofilm EPS, its constituents' characterisation is still far from thorough, and identification of these interactio