M.D. Kennedy
74 records found
Reconsidering lab procedures for hydrothermal carbonization of biomass
The impact of pre-drying and stirring
Although industrial hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) uses wet feedstock, lab-scale studies tend to dry the feedstock under the assumption that the rehydration of the feedstock would restore its original properties. To the best of our knowledge, this assumption has not been thorou
From drops to drums
Assessing rainwater storage's quality and quantity for addressing water demands in dry periods – A case study from Arusha Tanzania
Sustainable Development Goal 6 highlight the importance of providing reliable, affordable, and safe source of clean drinking water and sanitation for all by 2030. In Tanzania there is a dire need of a water supply strategy due to high levels of natural fluoride contamination in g
This study aims at applying and verifying the MFI-UF method to predict particulate fouling in RO plants. Two full-scale RO plants treating surface water, with average capacity of 800–2000 m3/h, were studied. Firstly, the MFI-UF of RO feed and concentrate was measured u
This study aimed to calibrate and validate the MFI-UF method in order to ensure the accuracy of particulate fouling measurements in RO. Firstly, the MFI-UF calibration was examined using two solutions of standard particles (dextran and polystyrene). Two main criteria were investi
Water distribution networks (WDNs) require large capital investment and ongoing operational costs, resulting in their optimisation being a highly researched field. Despite the benefits tanks bring to networks, most optimisation models omit them as decision variables due to the co
Hydrothermal carbonization of Typha australis
Influence of stirring rate
According to existing literature, there are no conclusive results on the impact of stirring on hydrothermal carbonization (HTC); some studies report a significant impact on the product's properties, while others indicate no influence. This study investigates the influence of stir
The potential of membrane scaling control by a real-time optimization algorithm was investigated. The effect of antiscalant dosing was evaluated from the induction time measured in glass batch-reactors, and from the operational performance of a lab-scale reverse osmosis (RO) unit
The objectives of this study are to assess the performance of antiscalants in increasing the recovery (≥85%) of a reverse osmosis (RO) plant treating anaerobic groundwater (GW) in Kamerik (the Netherlands), and to identify scalants/foulant that may limit RO recovery. Five differe
Jordan was late in adopting seawater and brackish water desalination as a source until the late 1990s and early 2000s. However, ongoing studies are still discussing the technical, economic, and socio-political aspects of brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) desalination plants.
Rapid population growth and urbanization are two main drivers for the over-abstraction of conventional freshwater resources in various parts of the world, which leads to the situation of water scarcity (per capita availability <1000 m3 /year). Predictions based on t
Improving MFI-UF constant flux to more accurately predict particulate fouling in RO systems
Quantifying the effect of membrane surface porosity
This study aimed to quantify the effect of membrane surface porosity on particulate fouling predicted by the MFI-UF method at constant flux. Firstly, the surface porosity of polyethersulfone UF membranes (5–100 kDa) was determined using ultra-high resolution SEM. Thereafter, the
In this study, the removal of particulate, organic and biological fouling potential was investigated in the two-stage dual media filtration (DMF) pretreatment of a full-scale seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant. Moreover, the removal of fouling potential in two-sta
Antiscalants are well known to prevent the precipitation of carbonate and sulphate scales of calcium in reverse osmosis (RO) applications, but according to literature their inhibitory ability against calcium phosphate is not clear. The objective of this study was to investigate i
Measuring the bacterial growth potential of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) feed water is an issue that is receiving growing attention. This study developed and demonstrated the applicability of the flow-cytometry (FCM)-based bacterial growth potential (BGP) method to assess the
The bacterial growth potential (BGP) of drinking water is widely assessed either by flow cytometric intact cell count (BGPICC) or adenosine triphosphate (BGPATP) based methods. Combining BGPICC and BGPATP measurements has been previousl
All of the possible strategies to reduce water losses in piped distribution systems follow the law of diminishing returns: the higher the expenditure on water loss reduction, the lower the progressive return in terms of water saved. Therefore, water utilities need to estimate the
The role of phosphate and humic substances (HS) in preventing calcium carbonate scaling and their impact on antiscalant dose was investigated for a reverse osmosis (RO) system treating anaerobic groundwater (GW) (containing 2.1 mg/L orthophosphate and 6-8 mg/L HS). Experiments we
Assessment of water losses in distribution networks
Methods, applications, uncertainties, and implications in intermittent supply
Reducing all water loss components to zero is neither technically possible nor economically viable. The water loss components should be accurately assessed and prioritised for a reduction. This paper investigates all methods that break down the water losses in distribution networ
Several potential growth methods have been developed to monitor biological/organic fouling potential in seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO), but to date the correlation between these methods and biofouling of SWRO has not been demonstrated. In this research, the relation between a ne
Bank filtration (BF) has been used for many years as an economical technique for providing high-quality drinking water. However, under anaerobic conditions, the aquifer release of undesirable metal(loid)s, such as iron manganese, and arsenic, reduces the bank filtrate quality and