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A Kemperman
Academic Work (5)
Journal article (3)
Report (2)
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5 records found
Silt density index and modified fouling index relation and effect of pressure, temperature and membrane resistance
Journal article (2011) -
A Alhadidi (author)
A Kemperman (author)
B. Blankert (author)
JC Schippers (author)
M. Wesseling (author)
WGJ van der Meer (author)
Fouling control mechanics of demineralized water backwash: reduction of charge screening and calcium bridging effects
Journal article (2011) -
S. Li (author)
Sebastiaan G. J. Heijman (author)
J.Q.J.C. Verberk (author)
P le Clech (author)
J Lu (author)
A Kemperman (author)
GL Amy (author)
JC van Dijk (author)
Impact of backwash water composition on ultrafiltration fouling control
Journal article (2009) -
S Li (author)
Bas S.G.J. Heijman (author)
JQJC Verberk (author)
ARD Verliefde (author)
A Kemperman (author)
J.C. van Dijk (author)
GL Amy (author)
Eindrapportage: Nieuwe scheidingstechnologie en -apparatuur voor in-line reiniging van processtromen
Report (2002) -
MM Seckler (author)
GF Woerlee (author)
A Kemperman (author)
G.J. Witkamp (author)
Vertrouwelijke eindrapportage: Nieuwe scheidingstechnologie en -apparatuur voor in-line reiniging van processtromen
Report (2002) -
MM Seckler (author)
GF Woerlee (author)
A Kemperman (author)
G.J. Witkamp (author)