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M.Z. Zahedi

16 records found



Efficient Implementation of Binary Neural Network Based on Computation in Memory

Applications of Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) are promising for embedded systems with hard constraints on energy and computing power. Contrary to conventional neural networks using floating-point datatypes, BNNs use binarized weights and activations to reduce memory and computati ...
Computation-in-Memory (CIM) is a promising alternative to traditional computing systems where the storage is conceptually separated fromthe computing units. Instead, the CIM paradigm aims to perform the computation where the data resides, alleviating the memory bottleneck and ult ...
This paper optimizes the MNEMOSENE architecture, a compute-in-memory (CiM) tile design integrating computation and storage for increased efficiency. We identify and address bottlenecks in the Row Data (RD) buffer that cause losses in performance. Our proposed approach includes mi ...
This paper investigates the potential of a compute-in-memory core based on optical Phase Change Materials (oPCMs) to speed up and reduce the energy consumption of the Matrix-Matrix-Multiplication operation. The paper also proposes a new data mapping for Binary Neural Networks (BN ...

The vast potential of memristor-based computation-in-memory (CIM) engines has mainly triggered the mapping of best-suited applications. Nevertheless, with additional support, existing applications can also benefit from CIM. In particular, this paper proposes an energy and area ...

The high execution time of DNA sequence alignment negatively affects many genomic studies that rely on sequence alignment results. Pre-alignment filtering was introduced as a step before alignment to reduce the execution time of short-read sequence alignment greatly. With its ...


Energy-efficient Design for In-memory Sparse-based Graph Processing

Performing analysis on large graph datasets in an energy-efficient manner has posed a significant challenge; not only due to excessive data movements and poor locality, but also due to the non-optimal use of high sparsity of such datasets. The latter leads to a waste of resources ...
The massive deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) devices makes them vulnerable against physical tampering attacks, such as fault injection. These kind of hardware attacks are very popular as they typically do not require complex equipment or high expertise. Hence, it is importa ...


Tile Architecture and Simulator for Memristor-based Computation-in-memory

In recent years, we are witnessing a trend toward in-memory computing for future generations of computers that differs from traditional von-Neumann architecture in which there is a clear distinction between computing and memory units. Considering that data movements between th ...


A Fast and Energy-Efficient Food Profiler Using Hyperdimensional Computing in Memory

Food profiling is an essential step in any food monitoring system needed to prevent health risks and potential frauds in the food industry. Significant improvements in sequencing technologies are pushing food profiling to become the main computational bottleneck. State-of-the-art ...

System Design for Computation-in-Memory

From Primitive to Complex Functions

In recent years, we are witnessing a trend moving away from conventional computer architectures towards Computation-In-Memory (CIM) based on emerging memristor devices. This is due to the fact that the performance and energy efficiency of traditional computer architectures can no ...


A Memristor-Augmented HW/SW Framework for Taxonomic Profiling

State-of-the-art taxonomic profilers that comprise the first step in larger-context metagenomic studies have proven to be computationally intensive, i.e., while accurate, they come at the cost of high latency and energy consumption. Table Lookup operation is a primary bottlene ...

Spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM) based computation-in-memory (CIM) architectures have shown great prospects for an energy-efficient computing. However, device variations and non-idealities narrow down the sensing margin that severely impacts the co ...

Computation-in-memory (CIM) shows great promise for specific applications by employing emerging (non-volatile) memory technologies such as memristors for both storage and compute, greatly reducing energy consumption, and improving performance. Based on our own observations, we ca ...

Von Neumann-based architectures suffer from costly communication between CPU and memory. This communication imposes several orders of magnitude more power and performance overheads compared to the arithmetic operations performed by the processor. This overhead becomes critical ...


With the increase in the amount of data being gathered, the need for data processing is also rising. Furthermore, in addition to the proprietary ISAs that have been prevalent, the free and open RISC-V ISA has seen major interest. The modularity of the RISC-V ISA allows it to be e ...