S. Teixeira De Freitas
98 records found
Parts manufactured with Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) are drawing interest in the adhesive joints research because of their high surface roughness, which is usually associated with good adhesion. This work aims to assess the adhesion strength of the inherent surface morphology o
Acoustic emission approach for identifying fracture mechanisms in composite bonded Joints
A study on varying Substrate's stacking sequence
This study uses the acoustic emission structural health monitoring method to identify fracture mechanisms in composite bonded joints when varying the substrate stacking sequence. Quasi-static mode I loading tests were performed on secondary adhesively bonded multidirectional comp
Here we investigate the adhesive properties of Selective Laser Melted (SLM) titanium surfaces in metal-composite cobonded joints without any prior surface treatment, to explore the inherent surface roughness of SLM parts to potentially create strong adhesive bonds. Double Cantile
Bio-based epoxy materials face major challenges in their relatively poor mechanical properties compared to their petroleum-based competitors, including low fracture toughness and abrupt failure. By mimicking the molecular structure of spider silk, which is one of the toughest mat
For strengthening or rehabilitation of existing structures, patches of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) materials are being adhesively bonded to the existing metallic structures. So far, Carbon FRP (CFRP) are the main composite materials industrially implemented for metal structur
Aiming to aid the sustainable transition to fossil fuel-free epoxy materials and enhance the toughness of bio-based epoxies, here we integrate an overlapping curl microstructure consisting of coiling fiber with sacrificial bonds and hidden lengths into a bio-based epoxy matrix. I
This work aims to improve the damage tolerance of secondary adhesively bonded joints under quasistatic mode I loading conditions by architecting the carbon fibre-reinforced polymer substrates’ stacking sequences [1]. Double Cantilever Beam tests show that architecting the stackin
Biomimetic toughening design of 3D-printed polymeric structures
Enhancing toughness through sacrificial bonds and hidden lengths
Spider silk is known for its excellent strength and fracture resistance properties due to its molecular design structure, characterized by sacrificial bonds and hidden lengths. These structures have inspired reinforcements of synthetic polymer materials to enhance toughness. In t
Effects of cyclic ageing frequencies on the ageing and mechanical behaviour of adhesive materials
Experimental analysis and numerical study
In marine structures adhesive joint structures are often exposed to cyclic conditioning where the ambient humidity changes cyclically during their service. Though some comprehensive studies on the aging of adhesives exist, these researches mainly focus on monotonic aging conditio
The present study proposes a comprehensive integrity assessment approach for a full-scale adhesively-bonded bi-material joint for maritime applications. The joint represents a cross-section of the bond-line connection of a ship with a steel hull and a sandwich composite superstru
When a composite laminate is subjected to humidity, moisture diffusion occurs depending on the number and thickness of the lamina. Water diffusion changes the mechanical response of laminates and usually causes a significant reduction of the mechanical properties of the composite
Adhesive joints are frequently exposed to cyclic ageing conditions during their service life, which can have a substantial impact on the mechanical properties of both the adhesive and the substrates. The safe life philosophy, commonly employed in the design of bonded joints, unde
Aiming to increase damage tolerance of adhesively bonded joints, this work explores the influence of CFRP layup of the adherends on the crack onset and crack propagation of composite bonded joints under mode I loading. Quasi-static Double Cantilever Beam tests were performed usin
Spacecraft experience minimal mechanical loads in space, but with the development of reusable spacecraft for interplanetary exploration and repeated landings, structures will be subjected to increased mechanical stress. The impact of the space environment on the aging of adhesive
Understanding the relationship between the sensors’ outputs and the damage evolution within the joints is becoming increasingly crucial to improving structural health monitoring systems and collecting data to improve the joint’s design. Therefore, a study of the acoustic emission
Using fiber-reinforced composite patches for repairing damaged structures made of metal or/and concrete is an interesting and widely available solution on the market using synthetic materials. These repairing patches are bonded on the structures’ surfaces to increase their streng
This chapter discusses the mixed-mode loading of adhesive joints. The importance of mixed-mode loading is first introduced and then test methods commonly used to measure the mixed-mode fracture resistance of adhesive joints are presented and briefly discussed. The approaches to d
Bondline thickness
Fracture mechanics perspective
The bondline thickness is a crucial parameter affecting the strength and toughness of adhesive joints. This parameter is responsible for the stress distribution, and thus, the efficiency of the stress transfer between the adherends, the failure modes, and the correspondent failur
In some industrial applications, adhesive joints are cyclically exposed to a moist environment, where cyclic moisture absorption and desorption can significantly alter the fracture energy of the bonded joints. Most previous studies are based on monotonic aging conditions, while t
Thicker bondlines along with manufacturing-tolerant and fracture-resistant adhesives are trends visible across different industries, especially maritime. In this work, two contrasting adhesives: an elastic-brittle epoxy-based, and a nonlinear-ductile methyl methacrylate (MMA) are