M. Saleh
20 records found
The present study proposes a comprehensive integrity assessment approach for a full-scale adhesively-bonded bi-material joint for maritime applications. The joint represents a cross-section of the bond-line connection of a ship with a steel hull and a sandwich composite superstru
Thicker bondlines along with manufacturing-tolerant and fracture-resistant adhesives are trends visible across different industries, especially maritime. In this work, two contrasting adhesives: an elastic-brittle epoxy-based, and a nonlinear-ductile methyl methacrylate (MMA) are
Flexural performance of squared one-sided CFRP patches
Modelling and experimental study
Three-point bending analysis, experimental and numerical, is conducted for three different sizes, 30*30 mm, 40*40 mm and 60*60 mm, of one-sided square cross-ply TEXIPREG HS 160 RM carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) patches as well as intact and notched specimens. The tests ar
The aim of this research was to investigate the self-healing potential of damaged Al joints when bonded using novel eco-epoxide adhesives derived from tannic acid (TA). Two eco-epoxy components based on TA, (A) glycidyl ether and (B) glycidyl phosphate ester of TA, were produced.
The effect of the weaving architecture and the z-binding yarns, for 2D and 3D woven composites on the low-velocity impact resistance of carbon fibre reinforced composites, is investigated and benchmarked against noncrimp fabric (NCF). Four architectures, namely: NCF, 2D plain wea
The development of new adhesives has allowed to expand the application of bonding into the most diverse industrial fields. This review article presents the commonly used experimental methods for the investigation of mechanical performance of adhesively bonded joints in the aerosp
This study is devoted to the use of acoustic emission technique for a comprehensive damage assessment, that is, damage detection, localization, and classification, of an aeronautical metal-to-composite bonded panel. The structure comprised a titanium panel adhesively bonded to ca
This work investigates the effect of long-term environmental exposure on the performance of composite-to-metal bonded joints. Specimens are manufactured using a carbon-fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) co-bonded to a steel member with epoxy adhesive and aged in a salt spray chamber
The aim of this paper is to study the self-healing capability of fractured Al joints bonded with novel eco-epoxide adhesives synthesized from a bio-renewable raw material (tannic acid – TA). Two synthesized eco-epoxy components based on TA, (A) glycidyl ether and (B) glycidyl pho
Two synthesized eco-epoxy components based on TA: (A) glycidyl ether and (B) glycidyl phosphate ester, are used, as a replacement for the Bisphenol A (BPA) based epoxy component, for bonding aluminum (Al) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). Their effect on the mode I frac
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of the structure of Mn-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) on the adhesion behavior of composite adhesives on two Al alloys (L3005 and L8079). The composite adhesives were made out of the UV-curing Bisphenol A glycidylmethacrylat
To improve their adhesion strength, polymeric surfaces are usually modified through different treatments. This study investigates the effect of mechanical, chemical, and energetic treatments on the bonding strength of ethylene propylene diene methylene (EPDM), polyvinyl chloride
This paper presents a new process for obtaining eco-epoxide adhesives synthesized from bio-renewable raw material (tannic acid-TA) and used for bonding lightweight materials (aluminum (Al) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). Two synthesized bio-epoxy components based on T
This study is devoted to the damage characterization of Non-Crimp Fabric (NCF), 2D plain-woven (2D-PW) and 3D orthogonal plain-woven (ORT-PW) carbon/epoxy laminates, subjected to compression after multiple-impact loading, using Acoustic Emission (AE). The ultrasonic C-scan images
Mechanics of double-lap Steel-to-CFRP adhesively-bonded joints loaded in tension are investigated experimentally using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Acoustic Emission (AE), analytically using a one-dimensional closed-form solution and numerically with Finite Element analysi
The increasing interest for the application of adhesive joints in naval superstructures motivates researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of the mechanical behaviour and failure mechanisms of these joints. This work reports on an experimental study of the deformation behavi
This paper investigates the effect of the fabric architecture and the z-binding yarns on the compression after multiple impacts behavior of composites. Four fiber architectures are investigated: non-crimp fabric (NCF), 2D plain weave (2D-PW), 3D orthogonal plain (ORT-PW) and twil
Thermoplastic composites are in high demand and continually growing in use due to their inherent properties. Commingled fibre is one of the recent solutions developed for thermoplastic composites, but has not yet ready for weaving. An alternative to commingling approach, co-weavi
The aim of the present study is to characterize the damage in bi-material steel-to-composite double-lap adhesively-bonded joints using Acoustic Emission (AE). Two different structural adhesives, a ductile (Methacrylate-based) and brittle (Epoxy-based), were used to bond CFRP skin
Tailored fibre placement (TFP) is an embroidery-based technology that allows the fibre tows to be placed exactly where they are most needed for structural performance and stitched into position on a compatible textile or polymer substrate. In this study commingled carbon-nylon fi