E. Serra
32 records found
Thermal noise is a major obstacle to observing quantum behavior in macroscopic systems. To mitigate its effect, quantum optomechanical experiments are typically performed in a cryogenic environment. However, this condition represents a considerable complication in the transition
In this work, we present an Opto-Electro-Mechanical Modulator (OEMM) for RF-to-optical transduction realized via an ultra-coherent nanomembrane resonator capacitively coupled to an rf injection circuit made of a microfabricated read-out able to improve the electro-optomechanical
Feedback-based control techniques are useful tools in precision measurements as they allow us to actively shape the mechanical response of high quality factor oscillators used in force detection measurements. In this paper, we implement a feedback technique on a high-stress low-l
Micro- and nanomechanical resonators play a prominent part in many sensing and signal processing platforms due to their capability to pervasively couple with a wide variety of physical systems. Particularly relevant is their embedding in advanced optomechanical setups, which has
We present a complete theory for laser cooling of a macroscopic radio-frequency LC electrical circuit by means of an optoelectromechanical system, consisting of an optical cavity dispersively coupled to a nanomechanical oscillator, which is in turn capacitively coupled to the LC
Abstract: Phenomenological models aiming to join gravity and quantum mechanics often predict effects that are potentially measurable in refined low-energy experiments. For instance, modified commutation relations between position and momentum, that account for a minimal scale len
Recent optomechanical experiments have observed nonclassical properties in macroscopic mechanical oscillators. A key indicator of such properties is the asymmetry in the strength of the motional sidebands produced in the probe electromagnetic field, which is originated by the non
We experimentally investigate a mechanical squeezed state realized in a parametrically modulated membrane resonator embedded in an optical cavity. We demonstrate that a quantum characteristic of the squeezed dynamics can be revealed and quantified even in a moderately warm oscill
Cavity optomechanics has achieved the major breakthrough of the preparation and observation of macroscopic mechanical oscillators in non-classical states. The development of reliable indicators of the oscillator properties in these conditions is important also for applications to
The extraordinary sensitivity of the output field of an optical cavity to small quantum-scale displacements has led to breakthroughs such as the first detection of gravitational waves and of the motions of quantum ground-state cooled mechanical oscillators. While heterodyne detec
A minimal observable length is a common feature of theories that aim to merge quantum physics and gravity. Quantum mechanically, this concept is associated to a minimal uncertainty in position measurements, which is encoded in deformed commutation relations. Once applied in the H
In this contribution, we discuss the implementation of a novel microelectromechanical-systems (MEMS)-based energy harvester (EH) concept within the technology platform available at the ISAS Institute (TU Vienna, Austria). The device, already presented by the authors, exploits the
According to quantum mechanics, if we keep observing a continuous variable we generally disturb its evolution. For a class of observables, however, it is possible to implement a so-called quantum nondemolition measurement: by confining the perturbation to the conjugate variable,
Normal-mode splitting is the most evident signature of strong coupling between two interacting subsystems. It occurs when two subsystems exchange energy between themselves faster than they dissipate it to the environment. Here we experimentally show that a weakly coupled optomech
Optomechanical SiN nano-oscillators in high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavities can be used to investigate the interaction between mechanical and optical degree of freedom for ultra-sensitive metrology and fundamental quantum mechanical studies. In this paper, we present a nano-oscillat
We realise a feedback-controlled optical Fabry-Pérot cavity in which the transmitted cavity output is used to modulate the input amplitude fluctuations. The resulting phase-dependent fluctuations of the in-loop optical field, which may be either sub-shot or super-shot noise, can
Summary form only given. According to quantum mechanics, there exists a class of observables for which is possible to confine the perturbation produced by a continuous measurement to the conjugate variable. Therefore, it is possible to devise experimental schemes that allow estim
We realize a phase-sensitive closed-loop control scheme to engineer the fluctuations of the pump field which drives an optomechanical system and show that the corresponding cooling dynamics can be significantly improved. In particular, operating in the counterintuitive "antisquas
In view of the integration of membrane resonators with more complex MEMS structures, we developed a general fabrication procedure for circular shape SiNx membranes using Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE). Large area and high-stress SiNx membrane
In the context of a recoil damping analysis, we have designed and produced a membrane resonator equipped with a specific on-chip structure working as a "loss shield" for a circular membrane. In this device the vibrations of the membrane, with a quality factor of 107, reach the li