D. Stefani
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We report on charge transport across single short peptides using the Mechanically Controlled Break Junction (MCBJ) method. We record thousands of electron transport events across single-molecule junctions and with an unsupervised machine learning algorithm, we identify several classes of traces with multifarious conductance values that may correspond to different peptide conformations. Data analysis shows that very short peptides, which are more rigid, show conductance plateaus at low conductance values of about 10-3G0 and below, with G0 being the conductance quantum, whereas slightly longer, more flexible peptides also show plateaus at higher values. Fully stretched peptide chains exhibit conductance values that are of the same order as that of alkane chains of similar length. The measurements show that in the case of short peptides, different compositions and molecular lengths offer a wide range of junction conformations. Such information is crucial to understand mechanism(s) of charge transport in and across peptide-based biomolecules. This journal is
@enLight sailing is the only existing in-space propulsion technology that could allow us to visit other star systems in a human lifespan. In order to best harness radiation pressure, light sails need to be highly reflective, lightweight and mechanically robust. This is traditionally achieved by the use of nanometer-thin reflective layers supported by a micrometer-thick substrate that endows them with the necessary sturdiness. This combination usually results in a sail mass that is too high to be efficiently used for extrasolar exploration. Here, we propose a potentially scalable sail design that combines a hollow substrate with an atomically-thin 2D material which, thanks to its ultimately low surface density, allows reducing the mass contribution of the substrate. To demonstrate the potential of such sails, we have studied the laser-induced displacement of graphene-on-copper sails in vacuum and in microgravity. In these conditions, 0.25 mg samples are accelerated by using lasers of different wavelengths (450 and 655 nm) and power (0.1–1 W). The measured thrust is one order of magnitude larger than the theoretical calculations for radiation pressure alone. This calls for further theoretical studies and attracts interest on graphene as light-sail material.
@enSingle-molecule break-junction measurements are intrinsically stochastic in nature, requiring the acquisition of large datasets of “breaking traces” to gain insight into the generic electronic properties of the molecule under study. For example, the most probable conductance value of the molecule is often extracted from the conductance histogram built from these traces. In this letter, we present an unsupervised and reference-free machine learning tool to improve the determination of the conductance of oligo(phenylene ethynylene)dithiol from mechanically controlled break-junction (MCBJ) measurements. Our method allows for the classification of individual breaking traces based on an image recognition technique. Moreover, applying this technique to multiple merged datasets makes it possible to identify common breaking behaviors present across different samples, and therefore to recognize global trends. In particular, we find that the variation in the extracted molecular conductance can be significantly reduced resulting in a more reliable estimation of molecular conductance values from MCBJ datasets. Finally, our approach can be more widely applied to different measurement types which can be converted to two-dimensional images.
@enMechanical Fixation by Porphyrin Connection
Synthesis and Transport Studies of a Bicyclic Dimer
The bowl-shaped, 3-fold interlinked porphyrin dimer 2 was obtained in respectable yields during macrocyclization attempts. Its bicyclic structure, consisting of a macrocycle made of a pair of acetylene interlinked tetraphenylporphyrins which are additionally linked by a C-C bond interlinking two pyrrole subunits, has been confirmed spectroscopically (2D-NMR, UV/vis, HR-MALDI-ToF MS). Late-stage functionalization provided the structural analogue 1 with acetyl-protected terminal thiol anchor groups enabling single molecule transport investigations in a mechanically controlled break junction experiment. The formation of single-molecule junctions was observed, displaying large variations in the observed conductance values pointing at a rich diversity in the molecular junctions.
@enVarious aspects of quantum transport through single molecules
Amechanical break-junction study
Enhanced Separation Concept (ESC)
Removing the Functional Subunit from the Electrode by Molecular Design
A new concept to improve the reliability of functional single molecule junctions is presented using the E-field triggered switching of FeIIbis-terpyridine complexes in a mechanically controlled break junction experiment as model system. The complexes comprise a push-pull ligand sensing the applied E-field and the resulting distortion of the FeII ligand field is expected to trigger a spin-crossover event reflected in a sudden jump of the transport current. By molecular engineering, the active centre of the complex is separated from the gold electrodes in order to eliminate undesired side-effects. Two aspects are considered to isolate the central metal ion, namely the spacing by introducing additional alkynes, and the steric shielding achieved by bulky isopropyl groups. With this small series of model complexes, a pronounced correlation is observed between the occurrence of bistable junctions and the extent of separation of the central metal ion, affirming the hypothesized Enhanced Separation Concept (ESC).
@enPorphyrin derivatives are key components in natural machinery enabling us to store sunlight as chemical energy. In spite of their prominent role in cascades separating electrical charges and their potential as sensitizers in molecular devices, reports concerning their electronic transport characteristics are inconsistent. Here we report a systematic investigation of electronic transport paths through single porphyrin junctions. The transport through seven structurally related porphyrin derivatives was repeatedly measured in an automatized mechanically controlled break-junction set-up and the recorded data were analyzed by an unsupervised clustering algorithm. The correlation between the appearances of similar clusters in particular sub-sets of the porphyrins with a common structural motif allowed us to assign the corresponding current path. The small series of model porphyrins allowed us to identify and distinguish three different electronic paths covering more than four orders of magnitude in conductance.
@enA conformationally flexible calix[4]pyrrole possessing a conjugated electronic structure (an N-substituted oxoporphyrinogen (OxP) related to porphyrin) was used to investigate the influence of mechanical stretching on the single-molecule conductance of these molecules using the mechanically-controlled break junction (MCBJ) technique. The results show that the molecule can be immobilized in a single-molecule break junction configuration, giving rise to different behaviours. These include step-like features in the conductance vs. displacement traces as well as conductance traces that exhibit a slower decay (‘downhill’ traces) than measured for direct tunneling. The latter class of traces can be associated with the mechanical manipulation (i. e., stretching) of the molecule with inter-electrode distances as long as 2 nm. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that OxP molecules are stable under stretching in the length regime studied.
@enConspectusThis Account provides an overview of our recent efforts to unravel charge transport characteristics of a metal-molecule-metal junction containing an individual π-conjugated molecule. The model system of our choice is an oligo(phenylene-ethynylene) consisting of three rings, in short OPE3, which represents a paradigmatic model system for molecular-scale electronics. Members of the OPE family are among the most studied in the field thanks to their simple and rigid structure, the possibility of chemically functionalizing them, and their clear transport characteristics. When investigating charge transport in molecular systems, two general directions can be distinguished: one in which assemblies composed of many molecules contacted in parallel are studied, while in the other a single molecule is investigated at a time. In the former approach, molecule-molecule interactions and ensemble-averaged quantities may play a role, thereby introducing broadening of spectral features and hindering the study of the behavior of individual molecules making it more difficult to deconvolute local and intrinsic molecular effects from collective ones. In contrast, single-molecule experiments directly probe individual molecular features and, when they are repeated many times, allow build up of a statistical representation of the changes introduced by, e.g., different junction configurations. Especially in recent years, experimental techniques have advanced such that now large sets of individual events can be measured and analyzed with statistical tools. To study individual single-molecule junctions, we use the break junction technique, in which two sharp movable electrodes are formed by breaking a thin metallic wire and used to contact a single or few molecules. By probing thousands of single-molecule junctions in different conditions, we show that their creation involves independent events justifying the statistical tools that are used. By combining room- and low-temperature data, we show that the dominant transport mechanism for electrons through the OPE3 molecule is off-resonant tunneling. The simplest model capturing transport details in this case is a single-level model characterized by three parameters: the level alignment of the frontier orbital with the Fermi energy of the leads and the electronic couplings to the leads. Variations in these parameters give a broad distribution (1 order of magnitude) in the observed conductance values, indicating that at the microscopic level both the hybridization with the metallic electrodes and the molecular electronic configuration can fluctuate. The low-temperature data show that these variations are due to abrupt changes in the configuration of the molecule in the junction leading to changes in either one of these parameters or both at the same time. The complementary information gained from different experiments is needed to build up a consistent and extended picture of the variability of molecular configurations, omnipresent in single-molecule studies. Knowledge of this variability can help one to better understand the behavior of molecules at the atomic level and at the metal-molecule interface in particular.
@enThe ability to detect and distinguish quantum interference signatures is important for both fundamental research and for the realization of devices such as electron resonators1, interferometers2 and interference-based spin filters3. Consistent with the principles of subwavelength optics, the wave nature of electrons can give rise to various types of interference effects4, such as Fabry–Pérot resonances5, Fano resonances6 and the Aharonov–Bohm effect7. Quantum interference conductance oscillations8 have, indeed, been predicted for multiwall carbon nanotube shuttles and telescopes, and arise from atomic-scale displacements between the inner and outer tubes9,10. Previous theoretical work on graphene bilayers indicates that these systems may display similar interference features as a function of the relative position of the two sheets11,12. Experimental verification is, however, still lacking. Graphene nanoconstrictions represent an ideal model system to study quantum transport phenomena13–15 due to the electronic coherence16 and the transverse confinement of the carriers17. Here, we demonstrate the fabrication of bowtie-shaped nanoconstrictions with mechanically controlled break junctions made from a single layer of graphene. Their electrical conductance displays pronounced oscillations at room temperature, with amplitudes that modulate over an order of magnitude as a function of subnanometre displacements. Surprisingly, the oscillations exhibit a period larger than the graphene lattice constant. Charge-transport calculations show that the periodicity originates from a combination of the quantum interference and lattice commensuration effects of two graphene layers that slide across each other. Our results provide direct experimental observation of a Fabry–Pérot-like interference of electron waves that are partially reflected and/or transmitted at the edges of the graphene bilayer overlap region.
@enAn appealing feature of molecular electronics is the possibility of inducing changes in the orbital structure through external stimuli. This can provide functionality on the single-molecule level that can be employed for sensing or switching purposes if the associated conductance changes are sizable upon application of the stimuli. Here, we show that the room-temperature conductance of a spring-like molecule can be mechanically controlled up to an order of magnitude by compressing or elongating it. Quantum-chemistry calculations indicate that the large conductance variations are the result of destructive quantum interference effects between the frontier orbitals that can be lifted by applying either compressive or tensile strain to the molecule. When periodically modulating the electrode separation, a conductance modulation at double the driving frequency is observed, providing a direct proof for the presence of quantum interference. Furthermore, oscillations in the conductance occur when the stress built up in the molecule is high enough to allow the anchoring groups to move along the surface in a stick-slip-like fashion. The mechanical control of quantum interference effects results in the largest-gauge factor reported for single-molecule devices up to now, which may open the door for applications in, e.g., a nanoscale mechanosensitive sensing device that is functional at room temperature.
@enFullerenes have attracted interest for their possible applications in various electronic, biological, and optoelectronic devices. However, for efficient use in such devices, a suitable anchoring group has to be employed that forms well-defined and stable contacts with the electrodes. In this work, we propose a novel fullerene tetramalonate derivate functionalized with trans-1 4,5-diazafluorene anchoring groups. The conductance of single-molecule junctions, investigated in two different setups with the mechanically controlled break junction technique, reveals the formation of molecular junctions at three conductance levels. We attribute the conductance peaks to three binding modes of the anchoring groups to the gold electrodes. Density functional theory calculations confirm the existence of multiple binding configurations and calculated transmission functions are consistent with experimentally determined conductance values.