I.J. Olavarria Contreras
11 records found
Organic paramagnetic and electroactive molecules are attracting interest as core components of molecular electronic and spintronic devices. Currently, further progress is hindered by the modest stability and reproducibility of the molecule/electrode contact. We report the synthesis of a persistent organic radical bearing one and two terminal alkyne groups to form Au-C σ bonds. The formation and stability of self-assembled monolayers and the electron transport through single-molecule junctions at room temperature have been studied. The combined analysis of both systems demonstrates that this linker forms a robust covalent bond with gold and a better-defined contact when compared to traditional sulfur-based linkers. Density functional theory and quantum transport calculations support the experimental observation highlighting a reduced variability of conductance values for the C-Au based junction. Our findings advance the quest for robustness and reproducibility of devices based on electroactive molecules.
@enWe have studied the single-molecule conductance of a family of curcuminoid molecules (CCMs) using the mechanically controlled break junction (MCBJ) technique. The CCMs under study contain methylthio (MeS-) as anchoring groups: MeS-CCM (1), the free-ligand organic molecule, and two coordination compounds, MeS-CCM-BF2 (2) and MeS-CCM-Cu (3), where ligand 1 coordinates to a boron center (BF2 group) and to a CuII moiety, respectively. We found that the three molecules present stable molecular junctions allowing detailed statistical analysis of their electronic properties. Compound 3 shows a slight increase in the conductance with respect to free ligand 1, whereas incorporation of BF2 (compound 2) promotes the presence of two conductance states in the measurements. Additional experiments with control molecules point out that this bistability is related to the combination of MeS- anchoring groups and the BF2 moiety within the structure of the molecules. Theoretical calculations show that this can be explained by the presence of two conformers once compound 2 is anchored between the gold electrodes. An energy minimum is found for a flat structure but there is a dramatic change in the magnitude and orientation of dipole moment (favouring a non-flat conformer in the presence of an external electric field) due to a conformational change of one of the terminal MeS- groups. The results thus point to an intricate interplay between the applied bias voltage and the molecule dipole moment which could be the basis for designing new molecules aiming at controlling their conformation in devices.
@enSingle–molecule conductance measurements
Correlations between chemical design and electronic properties
The ability to detect and distinguish quantum interference signatures is important for both fundamental research and for the realization of devices such as electron resonators1, interferometers2 and interference-based spin filters3. Consistent with the principles of subwavelength optics, the wave nature of electrons can give rise to various types of interference effects4, such as Fabry–Pérot resonances5, Fano resonances6 and the Aharonov–Bohm effect7. Quantum interference conductance oscillations8 have, indeed, been predicted for multiwall carbon nanotube shuttles and telescopes, and arise from atomic-scale displacements between the inner and outer tubes9,10. Previous theoretical work on graphene bilayers indicates that these systems may display similar interference features as a function of the relative position of the two sheets11,12. Experimental verification is, however, still lacking. Graphene nanoconstrictions represent an ideal model system to study quantum transport phenomena13–15 due to the electronic coherence16 and the transverse confinement of the carriers17. Here, we demonstrate the fabrication of bowtie-shaped nanoconstrictions with mechanically controlled break junctions made from a single layer of graphene. Their electrical conductance displays pronounced oscillations at room temperature, with amplitudes that modulate over an order of magnitude as a function of subnanometre displacements. Surprisingly, the oscillations exhibit a period larger than the graphene lattice constant. Charge-transport calculations show that the periodicity originates from a combination of the quantum interference and lattice commensuration effects of two graphene layers that slide across each other. Our results provide direct experimental observation of a Fabry–Pérot-like interference of electron waves that are partially reflected and/or transmitted at the edges of the graphene bilayer overlap region.
@enDevelopment of molecules that can switch between redox states with paired and unpaired electrons is important for molecular electronics and spintronics. In this work, a selection of redox-active indenofluorene-extended tetrathiafulvalenes (IF-TTFs) with thioacetate end groups was prepared from a readily obtainable dibromo-functionalized IF-TTF building block using palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions, such as the Suzuki reaction. The end groups served as electrode anchoring groups for single-molecule conductance studies, and the molecules were subjected to mechanically controlled break-junction measurements with gold contacts and to low-bias charge transport measurements in gated three-terminal electromigration junctions. The neutral molecules showed clear conductance signatures, and somewhat surprisingly, we found that a meta-meta anchoring configuration gave a higher conductance than a para-meta configuration. We explain this behavior by "through-space" coupling between the gold electrode and the phenyl on which the anchoring group is attached. Upon charging the molecule in a gated junction, we found reproducibly a Kondo effect (zero-bias conductance) attributed to a net spin. Ready generation of radical cations was supported by cyclic voltammetry measurements, revealing stepwise formation of radical cation and dication species in solution. The first oxidation event was accompanied by association reactions as the appearance of the first oxidation peak was strongly concentration dependent.
@enWe report on an approach to realize carbon-gold (C-Au) bonded molecular junctions without the need for an additive to deprotect the alkynyl carbon as endstanding anchor group. Using the mechanically controlled break junction (MCBJ) technique, we determine the most probable conductance value of a family of alkynyl terminated oligophenylenes (OPA(n)) connected to gold electrodes through such an akynyl moiety in ambient conditions. The molecules bind to the gold leads through an sp-hybridized carbon atom at each side. Comparing our results with other families of molecules that present organometallic C-Au bonds, we conclude that the conductance of molecules contacted via an sp-hybridized carbon atom is lower than the ones using sp3 hybridization due to strong differences in the coupling of the conducting orbitals with the gold leads.
@enWe studied the electronic and conductance properties of two thiophene–curcuminoid molecules, 2-thphCCM (1) and 3-thphCCM (2), in which the only structural difference is the position of the sulfur atoms in the thiophene terminal groups. We used electrochemical techniques as well as UV/Vis absorption studies to obtain the values of the HOMO–LUMO band gap energies, showing that molecule 1 has lower values than 2. Theoretical calculations show the same trend. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of these molecules were studied by using electrochemistry, showing that the interaction with gold reduces drastically the HOMO–LUMO gap in both molecules to almost the same value. Single-molecule conductance measurements show that molecule 2 has two different conductance values, whereas molecule 1 exhibits only one. Based on theoretical calculations, we conclude that the lowest conductance value, similar in both molecules, corresponds to a van der Waals interaction between the thiophene ring and the electrodes. The one order of magnitude higher conductance value for molecule 2 corresponds to a coordinate (dative covalent) interaction between the sulfur atoms and the gold electrodes.