J. Labra Muñoz
8 records found
We report on the fabrication of single-electron devices based on horse-spleen ferritin parti-cles. At low temperatures the current vs. voltage characteristics are stable, enabling the acquisition of reproducible data that establishes the Coulomb blockade as the main transport mechanism through them. Excellent agreement between the experimental data and the Coulomb blockade theory is demonstrated. Single-electron charge transport in ferritin, thus, establishes a route for further characterization of their, e.g., magnetic, properties down to the single-particle level, with prospects for electronic and medical applications.
@enAims: Aceruloplasminemia is an ultra-rare neurodegenerative disorder associated with massive brain iron deposits, of which the molecular composition is unknown. We aimed to quantitatively determine the molecular iron forms in the aceruloplasminemia brain, and to illustrate their influence on iron-sensitive MRI metrics. Methods: The inhomogeneous transverse relaxation rate (R2*) and magnetic susceptibility obtained from 7 T MRI were combined with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) magnetometry. The basal ganglia, thalamus, red nucleus, dentate nucleus, superior- and middle temporal gyrus and white matter of a post-mortem aceruloplasminemia brain were studied. MRI, EPR and SQUID results that had been previously obtained from the temporal cortex of healthy controls were included for comparison. Results: The brain iron pool in aceruloplasminemia detected in this study consisted of EPR-detectable Fe3+ ions, magnetic Fe3+ embedded in the core of ferritin and hemosiderin (ferrihydrite-iron), and magnetic Fe3+ embedded in oxidized magnetite/maghemite minerals (maghemite-iron). Ferrihydrite-iron represented above 90% of all iron and was the main driver of iron-sensitive MRI contrast. Although deep gray matter structures were three times richer in ferrihydrite-iron than the temporal cortex, ferrihydrite-iron was already six times more abundant in the temporal cortex of the patient with aceruloplasminemia compared to the healthy situation (162 µg/g vs. 27 µg/g), on average. The concentrations of Fe3+ ions and maghemite-iron in the temporal cortex in aceruloplasminemia were within the range of those in the control subjects. Conclusions: Iron-related neurodegeneration in aceruloplasminemia is primarily associated with an increase in ferrihydrite-iron, with ferrihydrite-iron being the major determinant of iron-sensitive MRI contrast.
@enWe present experimental and theoretical studies of single-molecule conductance through nonplanar fullerocurcuminoid molecular dyads in ambient conditions using the mechanically controllable break junction technique. We show that molecular dyads with bare fullerenes form configurations with conductance features related to different transport channels within the molecules, as identified with filtering and clustering methods. The primary channel corresponds to charge transport through the methylthio-terminated backbone. Additional low-conductance channels involve one backbone side and the fullerene. In fullerenes with four additional equatorial diethyl malonate groups attached to them, the latter transport pathway is blocked. Density functional theory calculations corroborate the experimental observations. In combination with nonequilibrium green functions, the conductance values of the fullerocurcuminoid backbones are found to be similar to those of a planar curcuminoid molecule without a fullerene attached. In the nonplanar fullerocurcuminoid systems, the highest-conductance peak occurs partly through space, compensating for the charge delocalization loss present in the curcuminoid system.
@enWe report on the fabrication and measurements of platinum-self-aligned nanogap devices containing cubed iron (core)/iron oxide (shell) nanoparticles (NPs) with two average different sizes (13 and 17 nm). The nanoparticles are deposited by means of a cluster gun technique. Their trapping across the nanogap is demonstrated by comparing the current vs voltage characteristics (I-Vs) before and after the deposition. At low temperature, the I-Vs can be well fitted to the Korotkov and Nazarov Coulomb blockade model, which captures the coexistence of single-electron tunneling and tunnel barrier suppression upon a bias voltage increase. The measurements thus show that Coulomb-blockaded devices can be made with a nanoparticle cluster source, which extends the existing possibilities to fabricate such devices to those in which it is very challenging to reduce the usual NP agglomeration given by a solution method.
@enA conformationally flexible calix[4]pyrrole possessing a conjugated electronic structure (an N-substituted oxoporphyrinogen (OxP) related to porphyrin) was used to investigate the influence of mechanical stretching on the single-molecule conductance of these molecules using the mechanically-controlled break junction (MCBJ) technique. The results show that the molecule can be immobilized in a single-molecule break junction configuration, giving rise to different behaviours. These include step-like features in the conductance vs. displacement traces as well as conductance traces that exhibit a slower decay (‘downhill’ traces) than measured for direct tunneling. The latter class of traces can be associated with the mechanical manipulation (i. e., stretching) of the molecule with inter-electrode distances as long as 2 nm. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that OxP molecules are stable under stretching in the length regime studied.
@enFullerenes have attracted interest for their possible applications in various electronic, biological, and optoelectronic devices. However, for efficient use in such devices, a suitable anchoring group has to be employed that forms well-defined and stable contacts with the electrodes. In this work, we propose a novel fullerene tetramalonate derivate functionalized with trans-1 4,5-diazafluorene anchoring groups. The conductance of single-molecule junctions, investigated in two different setups with the mechanically controlled break junction technique, reveals the formation of molecular junctions at three conductance levels. We attribute the conductance peaks to three binding modes of the anchoring groups to the gold electrodes. Density functional theory calculations confirm the existence of multiple binding configurations and calculated transmission functions are consistent with experimentally determined conductance values.