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J.J. Chavez Muro

23 records found

Anticipating failures is vital for maintaining a reliable power supply. Advanced measurement devices in the grid generate vast data that contains valuable information on grid operations. Initial signatures of an incipient failure are often reflected in this data in the form of el ...
Cross-country faults can adversely affect the operation of protection devices. Relays whose pickup is based on overcurrent or impedance elements are more likely to fail during cross-country faults. The failure can be expressed as an unnecessary trip of all phases during a single- ...
Overvoltage instability is a growing concern in a standalone low-voltage (LV) microgrid (MG) with non-dispatchable intermittent renewable energies such as residential and commercial photovoltaic generators (PVGs). Several overvoltage controllers used in PV arrays have adopted the ...
The traditional fault control strategy of converter-interfaced renewable energy sources (CIRESs) may bring about a lower sensitivity level or misoperation of fault component-based directional elements. To overcome this problem, a new control scheme is proposed to adjust sequence ...
Phasor-based differential protection is widely used as the main protection function of the power transformer due to its reliability and ability to discriminate internal from external faults and inrush currents. However, these methods present some delays due to phasor convergence ...
Fault currents may result in cascading failures and even system collapse if not detected and cleared on time. To account for the possibility of failure of primary protection under stressed system conditions, an extra layer of protection is commonly employed, referred to as backup ...
The controls of most power electronic inverters connected to an electrical power system (EPS) rely on the precise determination of the voltage magnitude, frequency, and phase angle at the point of common coupling. One of the most widely used approaches for measuring these quantit ...
This paper presents a new fault detection algorithm based on the Fast Discrete Stockwell Transform. The algorithm can improve the functionality of existing distance protection and resolve shortcomings identified during the fault detection process in case of fault occurrence in sy ...
An orthogonal vector analysis of windowed dynamical electrical signals with a Kalman filter tracking is proposed in this paper. Based on The Fourier Series Theory, the correlation of the signal coefficient that minimizes the error energy is obtained to extract the sinusoid compon ...
This paper deals with a comprehensive analysis to test the performance of available distance protection, that can be used in transmission networks with high penetration of converter-based distribution generation. For this, a new benchmark model has been developed according to the ...
This article proposes a fast and reliable two-level islanding detection method (IDM) for grid-connected photovoltaic system (GCPVS)-based microgrid. In the first level of the proposed IDM, the magnitude of the rate of change of output voltage (ROCOV) is computed. If this variable ...
A High Impedance Fault (HIF) in the power distribution systems remains mostly undetected by conventional protection schemes due to low fault currents. Apart from degrading the reliability of power supply to customers, HIF can impose a high cost on the utilities due to technical d ...
Reliable power supply to the consumers is the key goal for power utilities. The two key reliability indices for power utilities are SAIDI and SAIFI. These indices indicate the average duration and frequency of supply interruptions for the consumer. A low value on these indices re ...
In order to test protection performance of future multi-terminal HVDC grids where DC circuit breakers (DC CBs) play an important role, a DC CB model in real time test environment should be developed. It is well known that a DC CB needs to interrupt DC faults very quickly in order ...
This study introduces an advanced DC-DC power converter with two main objectives, (i) to achieve a wide range of voltage gain, which means the converter may work over a wide range of input voltage for a fixed desired output voltage and (ii) to achieve a reduced input current ripp ...
The main goal of the paper is the modeling of the mechanical circuit breaker (MCB) that can replicate the breaker characteristics in real time environment. The proposed MCB with active current injection is modelled for a system level, which provides adequate representation of the ...
This paper presents an approach to obtain reduced-order models for power networks involving power electronic converters (PEC) via the frequency-domain balanced realizations (FDBR) technique. PECs play an essential role in power processing and energy conversion in modern electrica ...
Key contributor to normal power grid operations is optimal working of the various power grid equipment/apparatus. Nonoptimal operation of any of this equipment causes power quality problems which can pose great risk to the stability of the grid. Damaged or partially damaged equip ...
This paper deals with the investigation of the performance of distance protection in a 400 kV transmission line for a system with high penetration of photovoltaic sources (PV). A grid with a PV plant is designed in RSCAD software environment, which is supported by RTDS. By perfor ...