Vladimir Terzija
46 records found
Cross-country faults can adversely affect the operation of protection devices. Relays whose pickup is based on overcurrent or impedance elements are more likely to fail during cross-country faults. The failure can be expressed as an unnecessary trip of all phases during a single-
The modernization of electrical power systems is reflected through the integration of renewable energy resources, with the ultimate aim of creating a carbon–neutral world. However, this goal has brought new and complex challenges for the power system, with one of the most crucial
With the growing number of severe system disturbances and blackouts around the world, controlled system separation is becoming an increasingly important system integrity protection scheme (SIPS) to save the electric power system from a complete or partial disintegration. A succes
Increasing penetration of inverter-based resources (IBRs) undermines the performance of conventional protection systems since IBRs’ fault characteristics are fundamentally different from those of synchronous generators. In this paper, a PMU-based backup protection method is propo
This paper presents a new formulation for intentional controlled islanding (ICI) of power transmission grids based on mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) DC optimal power flow (OPF) model. We highlight several deficiencies of the most well-known formulation for this problem a
In this paper, a real-time state estimation platform for distribution grids monitored by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) is developed, tested, and validated using Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS). The developed platform serves as a proof-of-concept for potential implementation
During lightning or switching in power system substation, particularly in the Gas Insulated Substations, very fast transient oscillations may take place. Transformers can be exposed to severe transient overvoltages, which may propagate inside windings and damage the transformer.
Local protection elements such as fuses and relays are the first protective mechanism to clear the fault and isolate the affected part of the power grid. Although the selectivity, speed, and sensitivity of these primary protection devices are relatively high, they cannot be consi
This paper presents a new fault detection algorithm based on the Fast Discrete Stockwell Transform. The algorithm can improve the functionality of existing distance protection and resolve shortcomings identified during the fault detection process in case of fault occurrence in sy
The conventional Under Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) scheme could result in unacceptably low frequency nadirs or overshedding in power systems with volatile inertia. This paper proposes a novel UFLS scheme for modern power systems whose inertia may vary in a wide range due to hi
This paper deals with a comprehensive analysis to test the performance of available distance protection, that can be used in transmission networks with high penetration of converter-based distribution generation. For this, a new benchmark model has been developed according to the
Identifying generator coherency with respect to slow oscillatory modes has numerous power system use cases including dynamic model reduction, dynamic security analysis, or system integrity protection schemes (e.g., power system islanding). Despite their popularity in both researc
In an electric power system, slow coherency can be applied to identify groups of the generating units, the rotors of which are swinging together against each other at approximately the same oscillatory frequencies of inter-area modes. This serves as a prerequisite-step of several
Short-circuit faults occurring close to either end of a transmission line are normally cleared with some time delay by the distance relay at the opposite end of that line. The pilot relaying schemes require communication media in order to reduce this time delay. This paper presen
Short-circuit faults close to either end of a transmission line, are normally cleared instantaneously by the distance relay at that end and after hundreds of milliseconds, i.e., in Zone 2 operating time, by the relay at the opposite end of the line. This sequential tripping can b
This paper presents an integrated approach to partition similarity graphs, the task that arises in various contexts in power system studies. The approach is based on orthogonal transformation of row-normalized eigenvectors obtained from spectral clustering to closely fit the axes
In electric power system, disturbance detection has become an important part of grid operation and refers to the detection of a voltage and current excursion caused by the wide variety of electromagnetic phenomena. This paper proposes a computationally efficient and robust algori
Synchro-Measurement Application Development Framework
An IEEE Standard C37.118.2-2011 Supported MATLAB Library
Electrical power system monitoring, protection, operation, and control schemes are undergoing significant changes toward the next generation fully automated, resilient, and self-healing grids. At present, there still exists a lack of available user-friendly tools for the synchron
An increasing number of methods for control and analysis of power systems relies on representing power networks as weighted undirected graphs. Unfortunately, the presence of outliers in power system graphs may have a negative impact on many of these methods. In addition, detectin
The motivation to upgrade the traditionally designed and operated electric power systems (BPS) with the state-of-the-art Smart Grid technology is driving the research and industry towards advanced Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) systems. As the performance o