R. Bhandia

19 records found

Anticipating failures is vital for maintaining a reliable power supply. Advanced measurement devices in the grid generate vast data that contains valuable information on grid operations. Initial signatures of an incipient failure are often reflected in this data in the form of el ...
Continuous and rapid technological advancements have transformed the modern day power system. Increased global inter-connectivity has made reliable power supply a critical requirement. A small outage can cascade into a blackout causing great inconvenience and significant monetary ...
A High Impedance Fault (HIF) in the power distribution systems remains mostly undetected by conventional protection schemes due to low fault currents. Apart from degrading the reliability of power supply to customers, HIF can impose a high cost on the utilities due to technical d ...
Power system operation is of vital importance and must be developed far beyond today’s practice to meet future needs. Almost all European countries are facing an abrupt and very important increase of renewables with intrinsically varying yields which are difficult to predict. In ...
Reliable power supply to the consumers is the key goal for power utilities. The two key reliability indices for power utilities are SAIDI and SAIFI. These indices indicate the average duration and frequency of supply interruptions for the consumer. A low value on these indices re ...
This chapter provides a brief overview of modelling and simulation approaches for smart grid systems. A special focus is put onto the coupling of simulation environments; i.e., the co-simulation of power systems and its components. Furthermore, selected implementations of standar ...
For smart grid assessment one needs to simulate varieties of components in different software environments. However, the existing simulation tools are domain oriented and cannot fulfil this need natively. Therefore, a smart grid simulation environment has to be established with a ...
Work Package JRA2 has developed advanced simulation-based methods to check and validateSmart Grid scenarios, configurations and applications. The required models cover the various partsof Smart Grids, such as power system infrastructures, control algorithms, communication systems ...
This report summarizes the work conducted within ERIGrid related to an integrated simulation environment for large-scale systems.The main goal of the JRA2 is to develop advanced simulation-based tools and methods to validate Smart Grid scenarios, configurations and applications i ...
As future power systems become increasingly complex and interconnected to other energy carriers, a single research infrastructure can rarely provide the required test-beds to study a complete energy system, especially if different types of real power hardware are expected to be i ...
Due to the increased deployment of renewable energy sources and intelligent components the electric power system will exhibit a large degree of heterogeneity, which requires inclusive and multi-disciplinary system assessment. The concept of co-simulation is a very attractive opti ...
Key contributor to normal power grid operations is optimal working of the various power grid equipment/apparatus. Nonoptimal operation of any of this equipment causes power quality problems which can pose great risk to the stability of the grid. Damaged or partially damaged equip ...
High Impedance Fault (HIF) is a low fault current event which cannot always be efficiently detected or cleared by conventional protection systems. Voltage or current signal distortions are often a possible indicator of HIF signatures which need to be carefully analyzed. This pape ...
Deviations from normal power grid operations, such as incipient faults, equipment damage, or weather related effects, have characteristic signatures in the current and voltage waveforms. Detecting and classifying such signal distortions as quick as possible can contribute to grid ...
A driving force for the realization of a sustainable energy supply in Europe is the integration of distributed, renewable energy resources. Due to their dynamic and stochastic generation behaviour, utilities and network operators are confronted with a more complex operation of th ...
Distributed energy resources (DERs) have seen significant expansion in utilization over the past decade. This expansion is best observed with the rooftop solar panels whose penetration has substantially grown in terms of deployed MWs. With the transformation of the grid towards m ...
Work package JRA2 focuses on the development of advanced simulation-based methods to checkand validate smart grid scenarios, configurations and corresponding applications. The main aim isto employ offline simulation of scenarios where a combination of parallel processing, advance ...
This paper discusses and compares two approaches to address technical challenges in performing collaborative studies of power system dynamics. On one side, we consider the model migration approach which is an essential piece of dynamic model exchange. On the other side, we look a ...