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RW Goetgeluk
Academic Work (80)
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Conference paper (24)
Journal article (21)
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80 records found
The effect of presentation: what you see is what you value
Journal article (2011) -
SJT Jansen (author)
Harry Boumeester (author)
H.C.C.H. Coolen (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
Eric Molin (author)
Sporten op de woningladder; wooncarriere en woningaanbod
Journal article (2010) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
H.M.H. Van Der Heijden (author)
A.A.A. Marien (author)
Kans op woongeluk
Journal article (2009) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
SJT Jansen (author)
Receptivity to transformative change in the Dutch urban water management sector
Journal article (2009) -
R.E. de Graaf (author)
R Dahm (author)
J Icke (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
Sylvia J.T. Jansen (author)
F. van de Ven (author)
Duurzaamheidsonderzoek - Den Haag, rapportage duurzaamheidsonderzoek particuliere woningen gebouwd voor 1985
Report (2009) -
G Bekink (author)
P Sitsen (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
A.A.A. Marien (author)
Conditiemeting 2009 - Den Haag, particuliere woningvoorraad t/m 1984 in Den Haag - november 2009 (drie delen: rapportage, conclusiesbijlagen)
Report (2009) -
P Sitsen (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
A.A.A. Marien (author)
The impact of including images in a conjoint measurement task: results of two small-scale studies
Journal article (2009) -
SJT Jansen (author)
Harry Boumeester (author)
H.C.C.H. Coolen (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
Eric Molin (author)
Water in residential environments
Journal article (2009) -
TJ Kauko (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
H. Priemus (author)
The propensity and the postponement of firm relocations. Testing approaches for housing choice models
Conference paper (2009) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
E. Louw (author)
A.A.A. Marien (author)
Concurrentie en keuze op de markt voor nieuwe koopwoningen; nulmeting en monitoringmodel
Report (2008) -
Harry Van Der Heijden (author)
D.A. Groetelaers (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
C.J.M. Lamain (author)
Woonuitgaven 2002 - 2006 in beeld
Report (2008) -
Marietta E.A. Haffner (author)
Harry Boumeester (author)
C.P. Dol (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
P Neuteboom (author)
C.J.M. Lamain (author)
A.A.A. Marien (author)
Module consumentengedrag WoON 2006. Samenvatting, conclusies en aanbevelingen definitief meetinstrument en steekproefontwerp
Report (2008) -
Harry Boumeester (author)
H.C.C.H. Coolen (author)
CP Dol (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
S.J.T. Jansen (author)
A.A.A. Marien (author)
E Molin (author)
How to tackle less demographic growth in municipal housing policy? The case of the former overspill town Spijkenisse in the Rotterdam Area
Conference paper (2008) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
JP Heida (author)
C Poulus (author)
R Til (author)
The real effects of 'soft' boundaries: spatial discontinuities in house values explained
Conference paper (2008) -
M.J. Koopman (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
J van Ommeren (author)
Journal article (2008) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
Bijlagenboek module consumentengedrag WoON 2006
Report (2008) -
Harry Boumeester (author)
H.C.C.H. Coolen (author)
CP Dol (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
S.J.T. Jansen (author)
A.A.A. Marien (author)
E Molin (author)
Wat beweegt de Spijkenisser woningmarkt?
Report (2008) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
Journal article (2008) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
Visie op Valkenburg: een woningmarktanalyse
Book (2008) -
Kees Dol (author)
RW Goetgeluk (author)
P. de Vries (author)
C.J.M. Lamain (author)
Wat is water waard?
Journal article (2008) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)