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BW Lambregts
Academic Work (27)
Book (8)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (4)
Journal article (3)
Other (3)
Report (8)
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27 records found
From Randstad to Deltametropolis: changing attitudes towards the scattered metropolis
Journal article (2004) -
BW Lambregts (author)
Wil Zonneveld (author)
Polynuclear urban regions and the transnational dimension of spatial planning; proposals for multi-scalar planning in North West Europe
Book (2003) -
BW Lambregts (author)
Wil Zonneveld (author)
Polycentric urban regions as nodes in Europe's polycentric system
Book chapter (2003) -
BW Lambregts (author)
A. Romein (author)
De herontwikkeling van het Piushavengebied, vergelijking en toetsing van twee plannen
Report (2003) -
BW Lambregts (author)
YM Bontekoning (author)
JW Konings (author)
H. Priemus (author)
50 jaar Industrieschap de Plaspoelpolder. Van broedplaats voor Haagse ondernemingen naar economische spil van een randstedelijke agglomeratie
Book (2003) -
BW Lambregts (author)
E. Louw (author)
Arie Romein (author)
R Konings (author)
Global city-region ambitions in the Netherlands: from Randstad to Deltametropolis
Conference paper (2002) -
BW Lambregts (author)
De internationale ambities van de Deltametropool in perspectief
Conference paper (2002) -
BW Lambregts (author)
Clustering of economic activities in polycentric urban regions: the case of the Randstad
Journal article (2001) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
BW Lambregts (author)
Urban Networks in North-west Europe
Other (2001) -
BW Lambregts (author)
Polynuclear Urban Regions in North West Europe as Global City-Regions: Explorations from an Economic Perspective
Conference paper (2001) -
BW Lambregts (author)
A Brief History of the Duality of The Hague
Journal article (2001) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
BW Lambregts (author)
Polynucleair Urban Regions in North West Europe. A survey of key actor views
Book (2001) -
DC Ipenburg (author)
BW Lambregts (author)
Polycentric Urban Regions in The North Western Metropolitan Area. Overview of Interregional Relationships
Report (2001) -
BW Lambregts (author)
Final Policy Report. Building blocks for transnational co-operation in spatial planning in North West Europe. EURBANET Action 12
Report (2001) -
BW Lambregts (author)
EJ Meijers (author)
A. Romein (author)
W.A.M. Zonneveld (author)
Polynuclear urban regions in the North Western Metropolitan Area
Report (2000) -
BW Lambregts (author)
A. Romein (author)
Patterns of economic specialisation in polynuclear urban regions: the case of the Randstad
Conference paper (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
BW Lambregts (author)
The Randstad
Report (2000) -
DC Ipenburg (author)
BW Lambregts (author)
Regional report on the Randstad
Report (2000) -
EC Hoppenbrouwer (author)
E.J. Meijers (author)
A. Romein (author)
BW Lambregts (author)
Polynuclear urban regions in the North Western Metropolitan Area, Background study and theoretical framework for the EURBANET-project
Report (2000) -
BW Lambregts (author)
Polycentric Urban Regions in the North Western Metropolitan Area, an exploration of the challenges for strengthening competitiveness and quality of life in NW-Europe
Report (2000) -
DC Ipenburg (author)
BW Lambregts (author)