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RC Kloosterman
Academic Work (101)
Editorial Work (1)
Abstract (1)
Book (5)
Book chapter (22)
Conference paper (1)
Journal article (22)
Other (47)
Report (3)
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101 records found
Clustering of economic activities in polycentric urban regions: the case of the Randstad
Journal article (2001) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
BW Lambregts (author)
The Hague - A dual city? Causes and Policy Responses: An Introduction
Journal article (2001) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Hugo Priemus (author)
H Priemus (author)
H. Priemus (author)
A Brief History of the Duality of The Hague
Journal article (2001) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
BW Lambregts (author)
Migrant Entrepreneurs and Mixed Embeddedness,
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Eurbanet meeting
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Conference 'The Economic Embeddedness of Immigrant Enterprises' of the thematic network 'Working on the Fringes', Jerusalem
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Conference 'The Economic Embeddedness of Immigrant Enterprises' of the thematic network 'Working on the Fringes
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
'Outsiders' business: A critical review of research on immigrant entrepreneurship'
Journal article (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
J Rath (author)
'Waltzing elephants? Mollenkopf's view on assimilating immigrants in old and New Amsterdam'
Journal article (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Werkbezoek HMH Koningin Beatrix aan Rotterdam-Zuid
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
De Amsterdamse economie in de 21ste eeuw
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Integratie migranten in Nederland
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
'Immigrant entrepreneurship and the institutional context, A theoretical exploration'
Book chapter (2000) -
J Rath (author)
RC Kloosterman (author)
Conference 'The Economic Embeddedness of Immigrant Enterprises' of the thematic network 'Working on the Fringes, Jerusalem
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Migrating Enterprise and Migrant Entrepreneurship: How Fashion and Migration Have Changed the Spatial Organisation of Clothing Supply to Consumers in the Netherlands
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Voortgang Mixed Embeddedness onderzoeksproject in kader van NWO MPS-programma
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
'Zzp-ers als nieuwe categorie op de arbeidsmarkt'
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Patterns of economic specialisation in polynuclear urban regions: the case of the Randstad
Conference paper (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
BW Lambregts (author)
De 'nieuwe economie' en Rotterdam
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)
Conference 'The Economic Embeddedness of Immigrant Enterprises' of the thematic network 'Working on the Fringes, Jerusalem
Other (2000) -
RC Kloosterman (author)