SJMH Hulscher

22 records found

The present study aimed to include the turbulence effects derived from a road located over the crest of a dike, in its probabilistic safety assessment. This was done by building two different computation fluid dynamics models (RANS K-); one of a dike with a road on top and one wi ...


Sustainable co-evolution of the natural and built environment along sandy shores

The land-sea interface is a very attractive location for humans to settle. In the case of low lying, sedimentary coastlines this can be a risky location, as these shorelines are inherently dynamic in nature. Accelerating rates of relative sea level rise will increase coastal eros ...
We present a quick assessment method using an idealized one-dimensional linear model to explore the influence of multiple retention basins, whose construction is proposed as a measure to reduce tidal amplitudes in estuaries/tidal channels. To this end, we have developed a process ...
Because wind is one of the main forcings in storm surge, we present an idealised process-based model to study the influence of topographic variations on the frequency response of large-scale coastal basins subject to time-periodic wind forcing. Coastal basins are represented by a ...