M Janssen

10 records found

The consequences of blockchain architectures for the governance of public services

A case study of the movement of excise goods under duty exemptions

Blockchain technology has the potential to provide public services directly to the public. This challenges the need for public organizations, who traditionally provided these services. Much of the current work is focused on the technology, whereas the influence on public administ ...
After more than a decade of operation at Titan and Saturn, the Cassini RADAR instrument is considered well understood and calibrated. In light of the recent Juno mission which is exploring the inner magnetosphere and the atmosphere of Jupiter, it is worthwhile to reconsider the o ...


Sustainable co-evolution of the natural and built environment along sandy shores

The land-sea interface is a very attractive location for humans to settle. In the case of low lying, sedimentary coastlines this can be a risky location, as these shorelines are inherently dynamic in nature. Accelerating rates of relative sea level rise will increase coastal eros ...
It is shown how calibration methods for expert judgement can be used to establish consensus about the uncertainties involved in a complex project risk analysis, where no consensus was present before. A case study is presented in which a project risk analysis was carried out for a ...