Jan Kollen

4 records found


This research focuses on a new system for nourishing the Dutch coast with sand, which utilizes semi-autonomous sailing barges and an electrical crawler to continuously replenish the beach. Yearly, the Dutch government grants contracts to nourish the Dutch coast with volumes aroun ...
There is a demand by Rijkswaterstaat for CO2-neutral sustainable methods and technologies to maintain the Dutch coastline. The Zandwindmolen is a fixed CO2-neutral dredge, transport and nourishment concept that nourishes sediment continuously. The purpose of using a Zandwindmolen ...
The Sandwindmill system could decarbonize the Dutch coastal protection whilst harmonizing with the building with nature approach. The system consists of a pipeline connecting an offshore borrow location to a nearshore area, where the mined sediment is discharged. The equipment is ...

The effects of a continuous nourishment on the physical behavior of the Dutch coastline

Studying the behavior of a continuous nourishment at the Delfland coastal stretch in the first year of its lifetime

The growing awareness of climate change asks for innovation in the methods of applying nourishments at the Dutch coastline. The concept Zandwindmolen has therefore been developed. Using wind mills at sea, sediment is dredged offshore and transported towards the shore, from where ...