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J van den Brand
Academic Work (42)
Abstract (2)
Conference paper (6)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (11)
Poster (1)
Report (21)
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42 records found
Adhesion of model molecules to metallic surfaces, the implications for corrosion protection
Journal article (2008) -
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
J van den Brand (author)
F.M. de Wit (author)
JMC Mol (author)
Congestion-controlled best--effort communication for network-on-chip
Conference paper (2007) -
J van den Brand (author)
C Ciordas (author)
K.G.W. Goossens (author)
T Basten (author)
Adhesion of coatings to aluminium alloys -its dependence on surface treatment.
Conference paper (2006) -
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
J van den Brand (author)
F.M. de Wit (author)
Interaction on ester and acid groups containing organic compounds with iron oxide surfaces
Journal article (2006) -
P Beentjes (author)
J van den Brand (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
(De)adhesion mechanism of organic molecules on Al-Mg alloys
Conference paper (2005) -
F.M. de Wit (author)
JR Flores (author)
J van den Brand (author)
HA Terryn (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Acid-base characterization of aluminum oxide surfaces with XPS
Journal article (2004) -
J van den Brand (author)
PC Snijders (author)
Willem G. Sloof (author)
H Terryn (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
On the adhesion between aluminum and polymers
Doctoral thesis (2004) -
J van den Brand (author)
Study of protection films on Al by means of optical reflection methods (SE UV-VIS-IR, FTIR-RAIRS): Influence of the Al-pretreatment on the adhesion of organic molecules
Abstract (2004) -
A. Franquet (author)
J van den Brand (author)
Effects of Al hydration and its interaction of organic molecules studied by means of optical reflection methods (SE UV-VIS-IR and FTIR-RAIRS)
Abstract (2004) -
S van Gils (author)
J van den Brand (author)
H Terryn (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
Interaction beween carboxylic acid based model adhesive molecules and aluminium substrates with different surface treatments.
Conference paper (2004) -
J van den Brand (author)
Herman A. Terryn (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Ageing of aluminum oxide surface and their subsequent reactivity towards bonding with organic functional groups
Journal article (2004) -
J van den Brand (author)
S van Gils (author)
P Beentjes (author)
HA Terryn (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Interaction of anhydride and carboxylic acid compounds with aluminum oxide surfaces studied using infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy
Journal article (2004) -
J van den Brand (author)
P Beentjes (author)
H Terryn (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
Effects of Al hydration and its interaction of organic molecules studied by means of optical reflection methods (SE UV-VIS-IR and FTIR-RAIRS)
Conference paper (2004) -
S van Gils (author)
J van den Brand (author)
H Terryn (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
Correlation between hydroxyl fraction and O/Al atomic ratio as determined from XPS spectra of aluminum oxide layers
Journal article (2004) -
J van den Brand (author)
Willem G. Sloof (author)
H.A. Terryn (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
Application of the dual-beam FIB/SEM to metals research
Journal article (2004) -
VGM Sivel (author)
J van den Brand (author)
WR Wang (author)
H Mohdadi (author)
Frans Tichelaar (author)
Paul Alkemade (author)
H.W. Zandbergen (author)
Changes in epoxy-coated aluminium due to exposure to water
Journal article (2004) -
J van den Brand (author)
S van Gils (author)
HA Terryn (author)
VGM Sivel (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Interaction of Ester functional groups with aluminum oxide surfaces studied using infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy
Journal article (2004) -
J van den Brand (author)
O Blajiev (author)
P Beentjes (author)
HA Terryn (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Improving the adhesion between epoxy coatings and alumium substrates
Journal article (2004) -
J van den Brand (author)
S van Gils (author)
HA Terryn (author)
VGM Sivel (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Chemical composition of thin oxide films on aluminium studied with infrared and visible spectroscopic ellipsometry.
Conference paper (2004) -
S van Gils (author)
J van den Brand (author)
CA Melendres (author)
H Terryn (author)
E Stijns (author)
Delamination in metal-polymer interfaces. Quarterly project report January - March 2003.
Report (2003) -
J van den Brand (author)