Georg S. Duesberg

4 records found

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has been demonstrated as a highly promising technique for the production of graphene on large scale and enabling tunability of the intrinsic defects of the films during the synthesis.

In this work, we report on the correlation between the ...
The unique properties and atomic thickness of two-dimensional (2D) materials enable smaller and better nanoelectromechanical sensors with novel functionalities. During the last decade, many studies have successfully shown the feasibility of using suspended membranes of 2D materia ...
Humidity sensing is fundamental in some applications, as humidity can be a strong interferent in the detection of analytes under environmental conditions. Ideally, materials sensitive or insensitive towards humidity are strongly needed for the sensors used in the first or second ...
All-printed transistors consisting of interconnected networks of various types of twodimensional nanosheets are an important goal in nanoscience. Using electrolytic gating, we demonstrate all-printed, vertically stacked transistors with graphene source, drain, and gate electrodes ...