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H.J.G. Warmelink
Academic Work (28)
Editorial Work (1)
Book (1)
Book chapter (7)
Conference paper (11)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (6)
Report (1)
Web publication (1)
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28 records found
A frame-reflective discourse analysis of serious games
Journal article (2015) -
I Mayer (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
Q. Zhou (author)
Q Zhou (author)
Nieuwerwets Organiseren
Book (2014) -
Hans de Bruijn (author)
J.A. de Bruijn (author)
JA de Bruijn (author)
Hans M.C.J. de Bruijn (author)
Haiko van der Voort (author)
H.G. Van der Voort (author)
HG Van der Voort (author)
H. G.(Haiko) Van Der Voort (author)
H. G.(Haiko) Van der Voort (author)
Haiko Van der Voort (author)
H.G. van der Voort (author)
H.G. Van Der Voort (author)
Haiko Van Der Voort (author)
H. G.(Haiko) van der Voort (author)
HG van der Voort (author)
HG Van Der Voort (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
R Wendel de Joode (author)
N Willems (author)
All rise! multiple perspectives on serious game evaluation
Conference paper (2014) -
H. Lukosch (author)
Heide Lukosch (author)
HK Lukosch (author)
Heide Karen Lukosch (author)
H.K. Lukosch (author)
Heide K. Lukosch (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
Rens Kortmann (author)
The research and evaluation of serious games: Toward a comprehensive methodology
Journal article (2014) -
Igor Mayer (author)
I.S. Mayer (author)
IS Mayer (author)
Geertje Bekebrede (author)
G. Bekebrede (author)
G Bekebrede (author)
C Harteveld (author)
C. Harteveld (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
Q Zhou (author)
Q. Zhou (author)
TWJ van Ruijven (author)
T.W.J. van Ruijven (author)
Theo van Ruijven (author)
Julia C. Lo (author)
JC Lo (author)
Julia Lo (author)
J.C. Lo (author)
Rens Kortmann (author)
I Wenzler (author)
Ivo Wenzler (author)
I. Wenzler (author)
A brief methodology for researching and evaluating serious games and game- based learning
Book chapter (2014) -
I.S. Mayer (author)
IS Mayer (author)
Igor Mayer (author)
G Bekebrede (author)
Geertje Bekebrede (author)
G. Bekebrede (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
Q. Zhou (author)
Q Zhou (author)
Learning in a game-based virtual environment : A comparative evaluation in higher education
Journal article (2013) -
I.S. Mayer (author)
Igor Mayer (author)
IS Mayer (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
G. Bekebrede (author)
G Bekebrede (author)
Geertje Bekebrede (author)
Towards playful organizations: How online gamers organize themselves (and what other organizations can learn from them)
Doctoral thesis (2013) -
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
JA de Bruijn (promotor)
Hans de Bruijn (promotor)
Hans M.C.J. de Bruijn (promotor)
J.A. de Bruijn (promotor)
I.S. Mayer (copromotor)
Igor Mayer (copromotor)
IS Mayer (copromotor)
Beauty or the beast: Importance of the attraction of educational games
Book chapter (2013) -
Geertje Bekebrede (author)
G. Bekebrede (author)
G Bekebrede (author)
C Harteveld (author)
C. Harteveld (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
Sebastiaan A. Meijer (author)
Sebastiaan Meijer (author)
SA Meijer (author)
S.A. Meijer (author)
Lessons learned from a decade of game development for higher education in Delft
Book chapter (2012) -
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
G. Bekebrede (author)
G Bekebrede (author)
Geertje Bekebrede (author)
C Harteveld (author)
C. Harteveld (author)
I.S. Mayer (author)
Igor Mayer (author)
IS Mayer (author)
SA Meijer (author)
S.A. Meijer (author)
Sebastiaan Meijer (author)
Sebastiaan A. Meijer (author)
Lessons learnt from a decade of game development for higher education in Delft
Book chapter (2012) -
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
G Bekebrede (author)
G. Bekebrede (author)
Geertje Bekebrede (author)
C Harteveld (author)
C. Harteveld (author)
IS Mayer (author)
I.S. Mayer (author)
Igor Mayer (author)
SM Meijer (author)
Towards a playful organization ideal-type: Values of a playful organizational culture
Conference paper (2011) -
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
Reviewing the need for gaming in education to accommodate the net generation
Journal article (2011) -
G. Bekebrede (author)
G Bekebrede (author)
Geertje Bekebrede (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
I.S. Mayer (author)
Igor Mayer (author)
IS Mayer (author)
Player communities in multiplayer online games: A systematic review of emperical research
Conference paper (2011) -
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
M Siitonen (author)
The net generation: Research, review and critiques
Conference paper (2010) -
G Bekebrede (author)
Geertje Bekebrede (author)
G. Bekebrede (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
S Bajnath (author)
I.S. Mayer (author)
Igor Mayer (author)
IS Mayer (author)
Evaluatie van de Raad van Bestuur van de Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit(NMa)
Report (2010) -
Wijnand W. Veeneman (author)
Wijnand W. Veeneman (author)
W.W. Veeneman (author)
W.W. Veeneman (author)
WW Veeneman (author)
WW Veeneman (author)
Wijnand Veeneman (author)
Wijnand Veeneman (author)
M.L.P. Groenleer (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
J.A. de Bruijn (author)
JA de Bruijn (author)
Hans de Bruijn (author)
Hans M.C.J. de Bruijn (author)
HG Van Der Voort (author)
H. G.(Haiko) Van der Voort (author)
Haiko Van der Voort (author)
HG Van der Voort (author)
H.G. Van Der Voort (author)
Haiko Van Der Voort (author)
HG van der Voort (author)
H. G.(Haiko) van der Voort (author)
H.G. van der Voort (author)
H.G. Van der Voort (author)
H. G.(Haiko) Van Der Voort (author)
Haiko van der Voort (author)
N. Saanen-Siebenga (author)
JFM Koppenjan (author)
JFM Koppenjan (author)
Leren van online games: de speelse organisatie
Journal article (2010) -
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
Learning in a Virtual World. An Introduction
Book chapter (2009) -
I.S. Mayer (author)
Igor Mayer (author)
IS Mayer (author)
G. Bekebrede (author)
G Bekebrede (author)
Geertje Bekebrede (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
De opkomst en ondergang van second life
Journal article (2009) -
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
Introducing serious gaming in a multinational: experiences with the supervisor serious game for HSE training
Conference paper (2009) -
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)
S.A. Meijer (author)
Sebastiaan Meijer (author)
SA Meijer (author)
Sebastiaan A. Meijer (author)
Igor Mayer (author)
I.S. Mayer (author)
IS Mayer (author)
A. Verbraeck (author)
A Verbraeck (author)
Alexander Verbraeck (author)
Het politieke spel rond computer games: Voorbij de emoties (The political game surrounding computer games: Beyond the emtions)
Book chapter (2009) -
I.S. Mayer (author)
Igor Mayer (author)
IS Mayer (author)
C. Harteveld (author)
C Harteveld (author)
H.J.G. Warmelink (author)