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There is an ever-increasing demand for faster and more accurate motion stages in the high-tech industry. In precision positioning systems, lightly damped higher-order resonance modes can induce undesirable vibrations that degrade system performance and accuracy. These resona ...

A multidisciplinairy approach to watermanagement in ricanau mofo

A scientific study that explores solutions for Ricanau Mofo's water management challenges, focusing on riverbank stabilization, improved drainage and responsible waste management.

Located in Suriname, the village of Ricanau Mofo faces a multitude of environmental challenges. This report delves into a comprehensive study that employed a multidisciplinary approach, leveraging the expertise of students from various backgrounds to address these pressing issues ...
This study addresses the gap for fine-grained emotion recognition in immersive environments utilizing solely data from on-board sensors. Two data representations of users eyes are utilized, including periocular recordings and eye movements (gaze estimation and pupil measurements) ...
Over the last two decades, the machine learning (ML) field has witnessed a dramatic expansion, propelled by burgeoning data volumes and the advancement of computational technologies. Deep learning (DL) in particular has demonstrated remarkable success across a wide range of domai ...
Drawing on existing archaeological evidence and visual materials, this paper conducts an analysis of the linguistic evolution and formal development of Xiewu. It further investigates the distinctive characteristics of its forms, structures, and spatial configurations. It reveals ...