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51 records found


Ensuring the safety of autonomous vehicles (AV s) in uncertain traffic scenarios is a major challenge. In this paper, we address the problem of computing the risk that AV s violate a given safety specification in uncertain traffic scenarios, where state estimates are not perfe ...

Safe motion planning for autonomous vehicles is a challenging task, since the exact future motion of other traffic participant is usually unknown. In this article, we present a verification technique ensuring that autonomous vehicles do not cause collisions by using fail-safe ...

Driving styles play a major role in the acceptance and use of autonomous vehicles. Yet, existing motion planning techniques can often only incorporate simple driving styles that are modeled by the developers of the planner and not tailored to the passenger. We present a new ap ...

Visual planning approaches have shown great success for decision making tasks with no explicit model of the state space. Learning a suitable representation and constructing a latent space where planning can be performed allows non-experts to setup and plan motions by just prov ...

CommonRoad Drivability Checker

Simplifying the Development and Validation of Motion Planning Algorithms

Collision avoidance, kinematic feasibility, and road-compliance must be validated to ensure the drivability of planned motions for autonomous vehicles. Although these tasks are highly repetitive, computationally efficient toolboxes are still unavailable. The CommonRoad Drivabi ...

Ensuring that autonomous vehicles do not cause accidents remains a challenge. We present a formal verification technique for guaranteeing legal safety in arbitrary urban traffic situations. Legal safety means that autonomous vehicles never cause accidents although other traffi ...

We address the problem of provably-safe cooperative driving for a group of vehicles that operate in mixed traffic scenarios, where both autonomous and human-driven vehicles are present. Our method is based on Invariably Safe Sets (ISSs), which are sets of states that let each ...

Self-driving vehicles must be able to safely navigate in any traffic scenario. However, all situations are different; even when clustering them, an impractical amount of scenarios would have to be verified. Thus, we propose a safety framework to verify the safety of each planned ...
Falsification aims to disprove the safety of systems by providing counter-examples that lead to a violation of safety properties. In this work, we present two novel falsification methods to reveal safety flaws in adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems of automated vehicles. Our me ...
Ensuring the safety of self-driving vehicles is a challenging task, especially if other traffic participants severely deviate from the predicted behavior. One solution is to ensure that the vehicle is able to execute a collision-free evasive trajectory at any time. However, a fas ...
Set-based predictions can ensure the safety of planned motions, since they provide a bounded region which includes all possible future states of nondeterministic models of other traffic participants. However, while autonomous vehicles are tested in urban environments, a set-based ...
Machine learning techniques have been shown to outperform many rule-based systems for the decision-making of autonomous vehicles. However, applying machine learning is challenging due to the possibility of executing unsafe actions and slow learning rates. We address these issues ...
Safe motion planning requires that a vehicle reaches a set of safe states at the end of the planning horizon. However, safe states of vehicles have not yet been systematically defined in the literature, nor does a computationally efficient way to obtain them for online motion pla ...
The application of continuous optimization to motion planning of autonomous vehicles has enjoyed increasing popularity in recent years. In order to maintain low computation times, it is advantageous to have a convex formulation, in general requiring the planning problem to be sep ...
Safety is the most important aspect of systems which have to perform collision-free motions in dynamic environments. Formal verification methods, such as reachability analysis, are capable of guaranteeing safety for a given model and given assumptions (e. g. bounded velocity and ...
Validating the safety of self-driving vehicles requires an enormous amount of testing. By applying formal verification methods, we can prove the correctness of the vehicles' behavior, which at the same time reduces remaining risks and the need for extensive testing. However, curr ...
Complex handling and assembly tasks can be gradually decomposed into simpler sub-tasks until a level of elementary 'primitive' tasks is reached, which can be expressed generically by so-called Manipulation Primitives. Manipulation Primitives can hence be utilized as the foundatio ...
Backed up by major Web players is the latest broad initiative for structuring Web information. Unfortunately, a representative analysis on a corpus of 733 million Web documents shows that, a year after its introduction, only 1.56% of documents featured any a ...