Danica Kragic

5 records found


In this article, we address the task and safety performance of data-driven model predictive controllers (DD-MPC) for systems with complex dynamics, i.e., temporally or spatially varying dynamics that may also be discontinuous. The three challenges we focus on are the accuracy of ...


Monitoring and planning of robotic tasks using spatio-temporal logic specifications

Many tasks require robots to manipulate objects while satisfying a complex interplay of spatial and temporal constraints. For instance, a table setting robot first needs to place a mug and then fill it with coffee, while satisfying spatial relations such as forks need to place ...

Rearranging objects is an essential skill for robots. To quickly teach robots new rearrangements tasks, we would like to generate training scenarios from high-level specifications that define the relative placement of objects for the task at hand. Ideally, to guide the robot's ...

Visual planning approaches have shown great success for decision making tasks with no explicit model of the state space. Learning a suitable representation and constructing a latent space where planning can be performed allows non-experts to setup and plan motions by just prov ...

In this paper, we address the safety of data-driven control for contact-rich manipulation. We propose to restrict the controller's action space to keep the system in a set of safe states. In the absence of an analytical model, we show how Gaussian Processes (GP) can be used to ...