Transition of the Baithi Chawl
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In the next three decades, the lanet’s rate of urbanization will increase at a fast rate, adding 2,5 billion new dwellers to the current urban o ulation. To accom¬modate this demogra hic growth, the world needs to tackle the many challenges of sustainable and fair urban develo ment. Right now, urbanization in the Global South ha ens in mainly unsustainable ways, with a roximately 850 million eo ¬le living in slums in 2014 (1/3 of all urban dwellers). Rethinking the current systems of affordable housing roduction is a major challenge that needs urgent actions. The stakeholders involved in housing roduction, in general, and the architectu¬re disci line, in articular, need a critical evaluation of their rocesses, methods and strategies to answer some ressing questions. Where will all these new urban dwellers live? More im ortantly erha s, how will these new urbanites dwell? What will be the role of architects and urban lanners in this rocess? The graduation studio Mixing Mumbai: Affordable Housing for Inclusive Develo ¬ment aims to stimulate the artici ants to contribute answers to these questions, engaging with ressing dwelling and urban issues in develo ing territories, as well as with the increasing cross-cultural character of contem orary architectural rac¬tice.