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D. Toshniwal

6 records found

Understanding multiphase flows is critical in nuclear engineering, particularly for processes such as coolant dynamics in nuclear reactors and safety scenario analyses involving different fluid phases. Numerical simulations are a valuable tool for studying these phenomena, especi ...
The Navier-Stokes equations govern the flow of viscous fluids such as air or water. Since no general solution is known, computer simulations are used to obtain approximate solutions. As computers are unable to handle continuous representations of fields, finite-dimensional projec ...
In this work residual error estimates are constructed using Neural Networks for Finite Element Method. These can be used to do adaptive mesh refinement. Two neural networks are developed the Multilayer Perceptron and the Transformer model. The error estimates are made for 1d pois ...

Improving the stability of the B-spline Material Point Method

Using Extended and Truncated Hierarchical B-splines

The Material Point Method (MPM) is a numerical method primarily used in the simulation of large deforming or multi-phase materials. An example of such a problem is a landslide or snow simulation. The MPM uses Lagrangian particles (material points) to store the interested phy ...
Existence of commuting THB-spline projectors is of importance in the field of numerical mathematics. These projectors are required to show that numerical solutions to the abstract Hodge Laplace problem are stable and consistent. We have introduced a local THB-spline projector bas ...
Artificial Intelligence in the form of neural networks is becoming wide spread. This report focuses on a specific form of neural networks, Simplicial Neural Networks. After presenting their advantages and how they were implemented in Python by using the code of [1], they are test ...