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4 records found

Social Monumentality

Thinking by Being

Design studio: a vacant church building burns down in Heijplaat. An ignition of reactions, emotions and processes are the start of a posed solution for the ruins and outhouse that are left. The possible interventions on this specific site are a possibility to restore a (former) s ...

The food producing city of tomorrow

Food production versus city living

I did my graduation project at the master track Dutch Dwelling, Architecture. The studio describes the graduation assignment as following: “The task in the Dutch Housing Graduation Studio is to design a housing project that fits in a scenario of your own making for the future of ...
Design for adaptive reuse of the Maassilo in Rotterdam within the graduation studio of Heritage and Architecture. This design focusses on creating physical and social connections with an integrated sustainable design.
After a period of suburbanization, the city of Amsterdam is growing in popularity among families. The city, however, doesn't respond to this trend. Most families living in Amsterdam are unhappy with their living situation. As a result, a lot of families are moving out of the city ...