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K.M. Havik

157 records found

Architecture in Conversation

Connecting, Grounding and Improvising as a Response Strategy

How does the architect answer, through design, the manifold questions, the complexity of the architectural task? An unambiguous concept and a specific visual language is no longer enough when it comes to responsible architectural decision-making. Today, perhaps the measure of suc ...

Architectuur van het gesprek

Verbinden, doorgronden en improviseren als antwoordstrategie

Hoe antwoordt de architect, via het ontwerp, op de vele vragen, de complexiteit van de architectuuropgave? Niet langer volstaat een eenduidig concept, een bepaalde beeldtaal, om architectonische keuzes verantwoord te maken. De mate van slagen van architectuur hangt samen met de w ...

Writing Urban Places

The Training School on Local Stories, and the Story of the Home of EKA

This introduction to the proceedings of the PhD training school at the Estonian Academy of Arts presents the context and scope of the Training school on 'local urban stories', and tells the story behind the relocation of the Estonian Art Academy in Tallinn.@en


Views on Delft

Around 1661, Johannes Vermeer painted what has become one of the most famous city views: the View of Delft. The city of Delft is depicted from across the water of the River Schie. We see the city as a collection of brick buildings with lower and higher towers, peaking into the sk ...

Scaling Stories

Social and spatial layers of urban exploration

This issue of Writingplace Journal moves into the field, exploring the moment when reflection turns into action, and questions how knowledge produced via research is appraised and applied on the ground. In the articles, authors reflect upon their concrete experiences where insigh ...
The special issue Writing Urban Places: New Narratives on the European City, marks the culmination of an international research network that delved into the intricate interplay between communities, urban spaces and narratives. At its core, this endeavour introduced an inventive a ...
This issue is an invitation to look beyond the definitions of meaningfulness, appropriation and integration, and explore the relations between them. We have liberally arranged the articles under the three main themes but, as it can easily become clear, there are overlaps among th ...

Choreography as a tool to understand architectural situatedness

A mediating intervention at Hiedanranta industrial heritage site, Finland

This contribution takes the notion of situated experience as a starting point for explorations in practices of moving and making. Striving to privilege embodied experience and situated meanings, this contribution presents an experimental educational project at a former industrial ...

A Breathing Body

Mercado Libertad, San Juan de Dios in Guadalajara, Mexico

In this contribution, I will describe the Mercado Libertad, designed by Alejandro Zohn and built in the 1950’s, by highlighting the activities that takes place inside through the course of a day and through the eyes of several characters. My aim is to not only describe the ingen ...

How to Speak?

A conversation with Alberto Pérez-Gómez about the necessity of Language to Understand and Practice Architecture

Elaborating on a host of historical and theoretical references, in this conversation Alberto Pérez-Gómez suggests a course of action for the development of the architectural discipline; opposing the banality of scientism and rationalism, and recognizing instead the need for a deg ...

In the Beginning...

Stories of Human Experience and Imagination

Foreword to the book Building Paradise by Harry F.Mallgrave@en

Imagining and Re-imagining Place

Cultivating Spatial Imagination in Architectural Education

For pressing and complex spatial or social urban agendas, understanding and interpreting place has always been an important issue. In-depth and close explorative reading of a site—in which drawing, modeling and writing (the basic tools of architecture) become instruments to open ...
This essay focuses on imagination as a crucial source of innovation and makes a plea for an approach to architectural education that enables imaginative thinking about new spatial and temporal realities. It starts by foregrounding the strong connections between imagination, stori ...


Ontwerp- en onderzoeksbenaderingen in de architectuur

De professie van bouwkundig ontwerper kan op heel veel verschillende manieren worden uitgeoefend. Er zijn ontwerpers die aan allerlei verschillende opgaven werken, maar ook specialisten in bijvoorbeeld parkontwerp, de rehabilitatie van achterstandswijken, woningbouw, verbouwingen ...
This fifth issue of the Writingplace Journal examines different narrative methods, understood as procedures, techniques or ways of relating or recounting events, and how they can be used to appraise and imagine the city. The editorial process of the issue has been developed withi ...

Ehituskunst Special issue: Jan Verwijnen

Creative Thought and Urban Change

This special issue of Ehituskunst brings to the surface some of the rich and diverse research material that architect and pro- fessor Jan Verwijnen left to EKA Tallinn's architecture faculty when he passed away in 2005. The project does not intend to be a collection of personal m ...