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A.L. Ouwehand

279 records found

At home in the oasis

Middle-class newcomers’ affiliation to their deprived Rotterdam neighbourhood

One of the arguments for ‘social mix’ urban renewal in low-income neighbourhoods is that the presence of middle-class residents would improve life chances for lower-income groups. However, according to various researchers, middle-class newcomers have little social interaction wit ...
The changing composition of the population affects the appreciation and reputation of neighbourhoods. Instudies about social mix and state-led gentrification the focus is often on the effects for the residents and theneighbourhood of the changes caused by the new built dwellings ...

Geen legitimatie zonder huurdersorganisaties

De zoektocht naar vergroting van legitimatie van woningcoporaties

Menging maakt verschil

Hoe bewoners buurt- en wijkverandering ervaren en waarderen ondanks en dankzij herstructurering

Social mix, a mixed population according to income and ethnicity, has been an important paradigm in urban development and housing and became the corner stone of renewal in post-war areas in the Netherlands in recent decades. In public as in academic debate, however, this concept ...

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