Nuclear power is currently not a commonly used option in commercial marine applications, despite its potential for significant emission reductions. This thesis is an overview of what has been done before, and what the potential is of modern marine nuclear power applications consi
Nuclear power is currently not a commonly used option in commercial marine applications, despite its potential for significant emission reductions. This thesis is an overview of what has been done before, and what the potential is of modern marine nuclear power applications considering the long-term goals of harmful emission reduction in the maritime industry.
The concept of nuclear power is discussed, followed by the current state of nuclear power in both the shore-based, naval and the mostly historic marine application. The regulations for the marine application are noted to be outdated and require significant work for a successful application. Finally, the societal aspect of nuclear power is highlighted, as societal acceptance is not self-evident for nuclear power applications.
Different developments in the field of nuclear power are addressed, with specific interest in the SMR (Small Modular Reactor), concepts that are part of the “generation IV” family, and concepts that can operate using thorium as fuel. Multiple options are considered, from the well-established PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) to the gen IV concepts: the HTR/VHTR (high/very high temperature reactor), fast reactors in both gas-cooled, liquid-metal and sodium cooled varieties (GFR, LFR, SFR) and finally the MSR (Molten Salt Reactor). Of these the HTR/VHTR and MSR in small modular reactor form are considered the most attractive option for the marine application, due to their passive safety, high burnup, high operating temperatures, and possibilities for thorium use in the future.
Criteria are established that are of importance to a marine propulsion and power generation system, establishing a framework for an implementation. Focusing on topics as: efficiency, transient loading capabilities, environmental impact, economic viability, size, and weight.
For power conversion (linking the heat generation to power/electricity for the vessel) the open-cycle Brayton turbine with a heat exchanger is selected as most suitable, despite the steam turbine being more developed and projecting a possible higher efficiency. The choice for the open-cycle Brayton turbine stems from the system size and weight reduction, along with a relatively easily implementable heat rejection system for enhanced load following capabilities. The selected heat exchanger is of the helical coil type, as this is significantly more developed and proven than the PCHE.
The most suitable layout is determined to be an all-electric layout, as this will greatly improve reliability (enhancing safety by redundant arrangements) and make the implementation easier applicable to a host of vessels. The electric layout allows for the combination of additional system such as batteries and emergency power. This layout is then combined with the open Brayton turbine and its heat rejection capabilities to ensure a system that is both compact as well as highly capable in performance.
Finally, four suitable concept vessels were established that allowed for a like-for-like replacement with a nuclear propulsion and power generation system. This allowed for a comparison to the conventional fuel-based systems where it is shown that the implementation of nuclear power can provide very large CO2eq reductions (over 98%), while reducing size and weight if vessels of suitable size are selected. The trade-off to this reduction is the production of nuclear waste, alongside the increased upfront cost due to the high capital investment associated with nuclear power.