R.M. Klapwijk

3 records found

Project aim
Recently, the importance of developing spatial thinking has been recognized with the European Union stimulating its development at an early age. Many studies of ways to foster spatial thinking of young children, through online activities as well as embodied activi ...
At the moment design is taught in primary education. Teachers often use the design cycle which consists of six phases: 1) Exploring & formulating the problem, 2) Generating & selecting ideas, 3) Generating & selecting concepts, 4) Building prototypes, 5) Testing & ...

Op de goede weg?

Een casestudie over het formatief evalueren van de ontwerpvaardigheid divergent denken in het primair onderwijs.

In het hedendaagse onderwijs wordt steeds meer aandacht besteed aan 21e-eeuwse vaardigheden. Ontwerpend leren is een goed middel om leerlingen 21e-eeuwse vaardighed ...