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K.G. Heijne

7 records found

Het is best spannend om over Artificial Intelligence (Al) te schrijven, omdat de technologie zo snel verandert. En niet alleen de technologie verandert.
Juist door deze ontwikkelingen in Al verandert ook onze kijk op wat creativiteit nou eigenlijk is.@en

101 Ideeën voor ideeën

Vindingrijker in je eentje met een zee aan beproefde denktechnieken

“Ik zoek nog een oplossing voor…”
De 101 ‘Ideeën’ in dit boek, aanbevolen door 101 experts, hebben als doel jouw creativiteit te stimuleren in je persoonlijke zoektocht naar inspiratie, ideeën, inzichten en oplossingen.

Met dit boek:
• word je vindingrijker in je ...

Visualising and reverging

Understanding the intersection between creativity and visual thinking

We investigate reverging - the phase between the diverging and converging steps in a creative process - in the context of a visual thinking agency. Creative facilitation literature advocates for such a phase, aimed at revisiting and rearranging ideas generated during diverging, t ...

Road Map for Creative Problem Solving Techniques

Organizing and facilitating group sessions

Creativity is one of the vital 21st century skills. As the subject of a large academic and practitioner community since 1950, there are literally hundreds of books and thousands of techniques on creativity. In this book, this body of knowledge is boiled down for modern scholars a ...
Project U_CODE. funded by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688873@en

The Creative Diamond Revisited

Reverging, an Essential Transition Step between Diverging and Converging

How to involve inhabitants in urban design planning by using digital tools?

An overview on a state of the art, key challenges and promising approaches

Different cases of public disagreement in different European countries have shown recently that perusing a thorough planning process is by no means a guarantee for a broad public acceptance of an envisioned urban project. Consequently, the employment of digital media and tools to ...