W.T. van Horssen
13 records found
In this Masters thesis, the dynamics of pipes conveying pulsating flow are investigated. The initial-boundary value problem associated with the linear beam equations of motions governing the pipe system is derived using the principles of Lagrangian mechanics. In this thesis, the
The main aim of the research presented in this report is investigating analytical methods to model fluid-structure interaction in large-scale offshore floating photovoltaics. The model that was attempted to be solved analytically is based on a model presented by Pengpeng Xu (2022
The Ekman spiral is described by a coupled system of differential equations originally discussed by Walfrid Ekman (Ekman, 1905). This system is a simplified version of the NavierStokes equations. The differential equations, as discussed in Ekman’s paper, concern the currents of
Vibrations or oscillations can be caused in overhead cable lines or bridge cables due to strong rain and winds, making the structure unstable.These vibrations can be mathematically described as a string like initial boundary value problem with non-classical boundary conditions. I
In this research a study of the response of a simply supported microbeam subject to an electric actuation is presented. A perturbation method called the method of multiple scales is explained and used to solve our problem. A model concerning the mid-plane stretching and an electr
In this thesis the nonlinear spring system is considered. This system contains a semi-infinite string that is modelled by the wave equation with a pair of inititial conditions and a nonlinear boundary condition. The goal of this thesis is to find a good approximation of this syst
In this paper, it is analysed how an infinite cable behaves when a wave from the right hits a TMD system attached to it. The TMD system consists of a mass M1, a spring with stiffness K, a damper with coefficient C and a second mass M2. The cable has a tension T. Then it is invest
In this thesis the stability type of y=0 is being considered for the delay differential equation y''(t) + ay(t) + by(t-1) = 0 with a and b real numbers. It is already known that y=0 is stable when b=0 and a>0 and unstable when b=0 and a<0. The aim of this project is to det
In this thesis we construct a perturbation method for delay differential equations (DDEs) based on the method of multiple scales for ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and ordinary difference equations (O$\Delta$Es). The method works for nonlinear DDEs, which are linear DDEs
Mass-spring systems are commonly used in structural components. Understanding their characteristics and pitfalls is an important issue, combining physics and mathematics to prevent such systems from resonating and causing structures to weaken or collapse. This way, suitable solut
The numerical simulation of brittle failure with nonlinear finite element analysis (NLFEA) remains a challenge due to robustness issues. These problems are attributed to the softening material behaviour and the iterative nature of the Newton-Raphson type methods used in NLFEA. Ho
In this project the transversal vibrations of an accelerating elevator cable system are studied, with the aim to find the resonance times, the resonance duration and the resonance amplitude. The elevator cable is modelled as an axially moving string, with len ...
In this report, the rain-wind induced vibrations of cables are studied. This is done by modeling the cable cross-section as a mass-spring system with two time-varying masses. Thereafter, the solution of this model is approximated using a multiple timescale perturbation method. La