H.P.M. Veeke
14 records found
Towards a Roadmap of IHC IQIP
Oil & Gas Market Analysis
Energy consumption of baggage handling systems
Impact assessment on the effect of taking into account energy consumption during preliminary design stage
Simulation of a Proactive Planning Strategy at a Tank Storage Terminal
A Case Study at Vopak Terminal Amsterdam Westpoort
Improving the patient order flow in the preparation process of a radiotherapy outpatient clinic
A case study performed at Amsterdam UMC - Location VUmc
Coordinating supply and demand in Haga hospital outpatient planning
Towards a more service-oriented control structure
Direct export deliveries
An impact analysis of bypassing the Heineken distribution center in Germanyan impact analysis of bypassing the Heineken distribution center in Germany
Optimizing the flow of export deliveries at Heineken Zoeterwoude
The design of real-time delivery overview for export containers at the Zoeterwoude brewery of Heineken